3-Day Diet Depletion Challenge
It’s only 3 days. Surely you can do this for 3 days?
Listen, we’re into the last few days of the July Diet Depletion Challenge.
Maybe, like me, you had great success with your goals. I’ve been able to go without alcohol, dairy, gluten, diet soda, and supplements of any kind for a full month (and I owe it all to YOU for being my accountability partner).
In August, I’m going to make a few changes and do another month of Diet Depletion. And yes, you can wait to join me then.
You can step-it up and commit to eliminating one of your bad habits for just the next three days – until the end of July. That’s NOT a long time.
Maybe, just maybe, you could give up one of the following for the rest of July. It’s not so hard, it’s JUST three days.
Consider giving up…
– Chocolate?
– Caffeine (even if it’s just giving up afternoon caffeine)
– Alcohol?
– Cheese? Cookies? Chips? Crisps? Candy?
– Cigarettes? (yes, there are some smokers in the TT world…so I challenge you to DEPLETE and DELETE cigarettes from your life for the rest of the month)
It’s just three days. Keep on remembering that.
And when you’re done those three days, feel free to turn the challenge into “just one more day”. And then another. And another. And another.
Until you finally BREAK FREE from your bad habit. (It should only take 10 days for most, although longer for true physical addictions like ciggies.)
That’s the power of the “Diet Depletion” mentality.
Focus on one day at a time. (“One day at a time, la la la la” <= sing it)
You can do it.
I did it with your help.
Now it’s time for you to do it with my help.
Let me know how Turbulence Training can deliver you the support, accountability, planning, incentives, and deadlines you need for taking action.
Tell the world about the changes you are making. That’s how you get the support you need.
Go to the TT Facebook page and tell me your 3-Day Diet Depletion
You can do it.
You can change.
Start today,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Did you see the news yesterday?
Most people are making the wrong food choices because food companies are SCAMMING you and using deceptive labeling techniques. It’s a shame.
Find out the full story in this consumer reports expose here:
=> Go to the next page for the rest of the story
Do not buy the wrong foods if you care about your health!