The Turbulence Training Nutrition Plan

We are back today with Mike Whitfield creator of and I shared a little with you in Part 2 why Turbulence Training is so successful and the different programs that works for all athletic levels. So if you missed it jump back to read more.
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Mike: Now let’s talk about . There are arguments on both sides. We see some experts that say that it can’t be done and of course, we see the other side as well. What are your thoughts on putting on muscle and losing fat at the same time? If it is possible, how do we do that?
Craig: Well, it certainly is possible. Research even proves it. There was one study where they did a 10-week or maybe a 12-week circuit training program with men and women over the age of 60 and they gained four pounds of lean mass and lost four pounds of body fat over the 12 weeks, and all they did was that circuit training there times per week. There was no change in diet. There was no interval training or finishers. This is not the only study that people can do this in.
I’ve done studies where I’ve had guys—You can look this one up on PubMed if you’re a science nerd like I am. You can see the study. My name is on it, Ballantyne CS, and it’s where we studied protein and creatine supplements over eight weeks in young men. They gained an average of I believe six or eight pounds of lean mass. There was no gain in absolute body fat, meaning they didn’t gain pounds of fat but because they gained all that lean mass, they decreased their body fat o they looked leaner. There young men are also doing it. But it’s going to work best in beginners or people that are going from low intensity training to harder intensity training and using Turbulence Training, using my system and the right diet. Yes, you can do it.
Now if you want to be a bodybuilder, this is not the right approach for you. If you want to step onstage, you’ve got to go and get really, really big. Now you don’t have to eat fried chicken like some bodybuilders did in the magazine and made a big deal out of that and then they went on a hardcore diet. That’s not good for your health and that’s not necessary. Smart bodybuilders like Ben Pakulski, who we recommend here at Turbulence Training because he’s an intelligent body builder, they do gain as much muscle as possible and they don’t worry about losing fat, but they don’t get a lot of belly fat and then they don’t have to diet super extreme. It’s still extreme but it’s not as extreme as it used to be in the past.
So there are certain situations where yes, it will work. You won’t gain 40 pounds of muscle and lose 20 pounds of fat at the same time. It would be more like 10 and 5 and you’ll get great results. Most people only want to move their body composition by that much so it works for the Men’s Health readers who I deal with on a regular basis. I don’t deal with the muscle and the fitness magazine readers who often want more muscle. But that that, I do have the Meathead program for those people.
Mike: Oh yes. I love the Meathead programs and I got a lot of good feedback from that. As a matter of fact, Danny Woodrum, another certified turbulence trainer, he and I actually did a meathead workout when we were in San Diego and it was another, I think it was the 5 by 5 that you put out recently and that was a solid system. Me, I think really there’s a meathead in all of us. It’s just that not all of us admit it.
All right, now let’s talk about a common theme. What I mean by that is we’ve had so many great transformation winners in your Turbulence Training contest and it seems like every contest the results were getting more and more shocking. We’ve just seen some great stories there, including Catherine, the TT Trainer of the Year. What would you say is the most common among these winners? Is it mindset? Is it their nutrition? What would you say the traits are?
Craig: The common aspect is that there are five commonalities, that they had planning and preparation, they have social support, they have professional accountability, they have an incentive that’s personal to them, and they have the dead line. If you have all five of those, you’ll never go wrong. If you have four of them, you’ll get good results. But if you only have one or two, you will fail, period because you cannot have this transformation, at least one that’s going to last for more than a week. You’re not going to stick to something if you don’t have all five of those in place.
So you need better planning. If you’re going to be serious about this, you need to plan better. We have another contest coming up and we’d love for people to be involved in it, whether they’re using your programs, Mikey, or my programs. Everybody can be involved in it. So better planning and you could plan the nutrition and then you need use a professional program.
Then they need to have social support. You need to recruit positive people in their life. If they don’t have positive people in their life, they can go online to TT members or they can go to my Facebook page or your Facebook page and get social support from you and me, which will also provide them professional accountability. Research shows from Stanford that professional accountability, that is checking in with somebody who’s a professional whether it’s a nurse, doctor, nutritionist, or trainer, gives better results.
And then you need an incentive. You need to either reward yourself or punish yourself. So with our contests, we have an incentive of money for winning but most people, about three quarter and third halfway through or even a quarter way through, see the benefits of it and they realize that it’s not about the money, it’s about the change. So that’s important.
And then finally the deadline. There needs to be that light at the end of the tunnel, so 90 days, 12 weeks, 6 weeks, 28 days. There needs to be something where people can say, “I only have to do it for this long.” As you get closer to the deadline, you start to get your motivation back if it started to go away because you’re like, “Aw, the finish line is right here. It’s right here.” That’s super powerful so you need to get involved with that as well.
Those five things are what Catherine had, what Emily had, and what all the people in our recent contests had. If they get results, they have those, period.
Mike: Very cool, and I certainly want to go back to the planning aspect of it. There’s one clip that you said on your Facebook quite a bit that I totally agree with and I think it’s very helpful and that is find two solutions for every obstacle that you have. In other words, if you know that you’re going to be going out to eat with your friends, figure out two ways that you’re not going to eat the chicken wings that everybody else is eating. That could be bringing your own things or planning ahead and taking a look at the menu online, figure out exactly what you’re going to order, and tell whoever it is that you’re going with, “This is what I’m going to eat”. But that one is very powerful as far as to figure out two solutions for every obstacle. I really like that one.
Craig: Yeah, you make a great point, Mike. I just mentioned this the other day and it’s so possible now thanks to the internet. It’s going online and looking at the menu in advanced because I’ve been, like everybody else listening to this call, where you get to the restaurant and you know you want to eat healthy and you panic when you get the menu because you really don’t have time to look at it because you’re in conversation with people.
If you look at it in advance, you don’t have to go in and worry about ordering properly. You can figure out what’s appropriate for your goal. You can figure out what specific personal request you want to make, like can I combine chicken with this salad or whatever, or can we remove this? You can even call ahead and ask the restaurant. Being prepared like that—it’s just so simple. It’s only going to take you three to five minutes—is going to make a world of difference in your transformation and your results.
Mike: Very cool. Good point. Now the last thing I want to talk about is what I’ve been so excited about. Of course, like I said earlier. I was a part of it so I got to literally see it in action, this Turbulence Training 2.0. Tell us. Spill the beans. What’s happening with 2.0? What can we expect from it and that kind of thing?
Craig: Well, we have only a couple of weeks until that comes out. It’s so exciting because again it’s the ten-year anniversary. People have been doing this for years and years and years. They’ve been using the original program and all the cool new programs that we put out on a monthly basis. We have over 135 workouts but we haven’t really gotten into these follow along workouts until this year, which people really love their dumbbells and bodyweight, we have the Home Workout Revolution program, but this is the original Turbulence Training, the program that started it all, that really started a shift in the industry, not just in my business but in many people’s businesses, to use metabolic resistance training and interval training.
Now we’ve brought the latest science, the latest experience, because we work with tens of thousands of customers on a regular basis. Now we have the ability to bring the absolute best with the greatest video. I mean video is so easy to shoot in high definition these days. It really is a combination of my life’s work and I’m so excited to share it with people and help people get more results in less time, and really change the world, get people into the transformations contest that are free to enter where they could win my money and get amazing results, and be part of my Ten Million Transformation Mission, which is to help ten million men and women around the world to transform their bodies and their lives by the year 2020.
We’re on track to do this but we need everybody’s participation. We need everyone to get excited about it and we need to keep on pushing and doing our finishers and all that great stuff, Mike. I can’t thank you enough for all the great support and help that you’ve given me and been part of my mission and the trust and the hard work that you put into this. I really appreciate it.
Mike: Absolutely. Very happy to do it and very glad to be a part of it.
Craig: Fantastic.
Mike: I’m so glad that you’ve taken the time to talk to us and I know you’ve got a full plate with the launch coming in just a couple of weeks. I’ll be sure to let my readers know all about that. Very excited about it. We appreciate you taking the time and talk to us.
Craig: You have great questions, Mike. You’re always great to talk to and always great to work out with up there Lapeer, Michigan at Brian Kalakay’s studio. We’re going to be filming lots of workouts in the future, doing lots of these calls, and helping a lot of people so thanks, everybody. If you want to ever ask me a question, just drop by—that’s my Facebook page—and we answer every single question that’s there and we look forward to hearing from you.
Mike: Awesome stuff. You heard it from the man himself. Of course, we are looking very forward to the Turbulence Training 2.0 launch. and we’ll talk to you soon. Bye bye.
Craig: Thanks Mike!
Mikey Whitfield, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer