4 Day Email Launch System

I have to admit that I gave Mikey Whitfield a bit of a hard time at our last Mastermind meeting.

We had a healthy debate over a certain element of his email launch system. Did it really boost results? Or was it just wishful thinking.

Well, this sent Mikey back to the old drawing board, Mikey improved his 4-day email formula for product launches for you.

He’s tested this three times in the real world, and he’ll be testing it many, many more times with future launches (as Mikey has joined my Publishing Partner business to be a significant part of our launch team).

Here’s the system that you should start implementing ASAP. If you TEST and find some improvements, let us know, and Mikey and I will do the same for you.


The Ultimate 4-Day Email Formula for Launches
By Mikey “Pancakes on the Griddle” Whitfield

I’m a big believer in that the email copy for a product (whether it’s one of your own or for an affiliate) can make an impact on your sales.

In San Diego at our mastermind, I shared a 4-day email sequence template that was used for Shawna Kaminski’s launch of her Challenge Workouts program.

To maximize sales and commissions for affiliates (aka making them happy so they will promote you again in the future), there should be a strategy in place for your launch and the more “done-for-you” material you can give them, the more they will promote your products as long as they convert.

So, here is the exact 4-day strategy that was used for Shawna’s launch and feel free to model it for your own launches and promotions.

Day 1 – TWO Emails

You FIRST email should be about why your program is different than other programs. Why should people care about your program? What does it offer that’s different than other programs like it? Once you establish that, then it’s time to also pitch the fast action bonus for day one customers.

Your SECOND email should be short and sell the click, with a sense of urgency for the deadline on the fast action bonus. Be sure to tell them what they will miss out on when they wait until the next day.

Note – Your fast action bonus should be something that compliments your main program and something that people get excited about.

Day 2 – Agitate the Problem and Explain Why Your Program is the Solution (Content)

In this email, you want to talk about why other programs fail and why your program is the solution.  How does your program solve the prospect’s problems?

Day 3 – Agitate the Problem More and Give Great Content

With this email, you will want to agitate the problem even more plus give them a sample from your program. For example, if you’re selling a fitness workout program, you’ll want to include a sample workout. If it’s a program about gardening, give them a unique tip that they probably don’t know.

This gives the prospect a “taste” of what they can expect and they will want more. By offering engaging content, affiliates would be more willing to share with their readers.

Day 4 – TWO to THREE Emails

Give your affiliates TWO top 10 lists as content options:

Option A – explain the top 10 benefits of your program that they need to experience

Option B – the top 10 reasons why they need your product (again emphasizing how your program is the solution)

Remind the prospect what they will miss out on if they don’t get the program. Also, push the deadline and call to action.

The second and third emails should again “sell the click” getting them to get the program before the promo or launch is over. Reiterate what they will miss out on (including the discount).

Always learning and testing,

Mike Whitfield
Thanks Mikey, that’s a champion attitude to take – Always be learning and testing. You’re going to get great results with that approach.

Dedicated to his success – and yours too!

Keep on learning,

Craig Ballantyne

If there is something you need to get done, don’t tell us why it hasn’t been done, and don’t tell us why it can’t be done. Just get it done.