Bodyweight Cardio Rulez
Long weekend in Toronto…go down to the beach to take the dogs swimming…also going to explore the St. Lawrence market for awesome snacks…and who knows, maybe even check out the Caribana parade. I haven’t done that since 2001.
Earlier this week, I found this quote and it became an instant favorite of mind…
“Keep these concepts in mind: You’ve failed many times, although you don’t remember. You fell down the first time you tried to walk. You almost drowned the first time you tried to swim. Don’t worry about failure. My suggestion to each of you: worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try.”
Sherman Finesilver
Forget about failure…and never give up on something you care about.
Click here to listen to the call…
Now let’s get into the TT Workout and tips…
Monday – Aug 2nd
Transformation Tip of the Week:
Change and transformation aren’t easy. But get through the rough patches and you’ll ultimately get the big payoff. You can’t get a rainbow (or double rainbow!) without some rain. Hang tough. Plan ahead. Be prepared. Take action. Stay strong. I KNOW you can do it.
TT Bodyweight Cardio 3 – Workout A
- This workout can be performed as a standalone workout or it can be used to replace the interval training portion of almost any other Turbulence Training workout.
- If performed as a standalone workout, you must start with the general bodyweight warm-up circuit.
- If you don’t have access to a bar for pull-ups or inverted rows, skip the exercise in the bodyweight circuit.
Prisoner Squat – 15 reps (2-0-1)
Pull-up – 3 reps (3-0-1)
Elevated Pushup – 6 reps per side (2-0-1)
Diagonal Lunge – 10 reps per side (2-0-1)
Jumping Jacks – 30 reps
Vertical Jumps – 6 reps (1-0-X)
Spiderman Climb – 10 reps per side (1-0-1)
Side to Side Jump – 8 reps per side
Spiderman or Regular Pushup – 12 total reps (2-0-1)
Inverted Row – 10 reps (2-0-1)
Shuttle Sprint – 20 seconds (if possible)
- Rest one minute before repeating 1 more time if you are replacing interval training.
- Rest one minute before repeating up to 3 more times if done as a standalone workout.
Get 30 minutes of fun activity – now grab a Green Tea and do this week’s research review.
Am J Health Promot. 2010 July/August;24(6):384-387. A Multicomponent Intervention Reduces Body Weight and Cardiovascular Risk at a GEICO Corporate Site. Ferdowsian HR, Barnard ND, Hoover VJ, Katcher HI, Levin SM, Green AA, Cohen JL.
113 overweight employees at GEICO (no lizards allowed) were studied, with half being assigned to a low-fat, vegan diet for 22 weeks. At the end of the study, the vegan diet group had greater weight loss and decreases in waist circumference. Researchers found, “Weight loss of 5% of body weight was more frequently observed in the vegan diet group (48.5%) compared with the control group (11.1%).
Just another diet that works. Click here if you want a TT-approved vegetarian diet.
With the TT BW Cardio program, if you don’t have access to a pullup bar for your circuits, you’ll need to do some type of back exercises…seated rowing, db rows, etc. For example…
The Mandatory Back Workout
To be done once or twice per week on ANY day to make up for the lack of back exercises in the bodyweight circuits. You can do on workout days or off days.
1A) Chin-up or DB Row – 8 reps (2-0-1)
Rest 1 minute.
1B) Inverted Row or DB Rear-Deltoid Raise – 12 reps (2-0-1)
Rest 1 minute and repeat 2 more times.
TT Bodyweight Cardio 3 – Workout B
- Start with the general bodyweight warm-up circuit
- Do each exercise for 1 minute. Move to the next exercise without rest.
- Rest 1 minute at the end of each round before moving to the next round.
- See the video below for all exercises demos.
Round #1
Jumping Jacks
Bodyweight Squats
T-Pushups (alternate sides)
Repeated Vertical Jumps
Prisoner Lunges
Round #2
Prisoner Squat
Squat Thrust
Duck Under
Round #3
Seal Jump
Spiderman Climb
Get Up
Run in Place
Round #4
Split Shuffle
Side to Side Jump
Side Plank (30 seconds per side)
Total Body Extension
Run in Place
Round #5
Seal Jump
Close-Grip Pushup
Lateral Lunge
Mountain Climber
Do 30 minutes of fun activity…and take 10 minutes to figure out:
Know what you want to achieve/where you want to go.
Write out a plan to get there.
Implement & review the plan everyday.
3 simple steps to success.
TT Bodyweight Cardio 3 – Workout C
- This workout can be performed as a standalone workout or it can be used to replace the interval training portion of almost any other Turbulence Training workout.
- If performed as a standalone workout, you must start with the general bodyweight warm-up circuit.
- If you don’t have access to a bar for chin-ups or underhand inverted rows, skip the exercise in the bodyweight circuit.
Close-Stance Bodyweight Squat – 15 reps (2-0-1)
Close-Grip Pushup – 10 reps (3-0-1)
Chin-up – 3 reps (3-0-1)
Reverse Lunge – 10 reps per side (2-0-1)
Inchworm – 6 reps (2-1-2)
Run in Place – 20 seconds
Mountain Climber – 10 reps per side (1-0-1)
Total Body Extension – 8 reps (1-0-1)
Calf Jump – 10 reps
Deep Step-up or Reaching Lunge – 8 reps per side (2-0-1)
Decline Pushup or Regular Pushup – 12 reps (2-1-1)
Underhand Inverted Row – 10 reps (2-0-1)
Run in Place – 20 seconds
- Rest one minute before repeating 1 more time if you are replacing interval training.
- Rest one minute before repeating up to 3 more times if done as a standalone workout.
Social Support Saturday!
30 minutes of fun activity…
“Shocking” fitness truth: You can actually burn calories OUTSIDE of the gym. You don’t need to be on an elliptical machine every day. What to do on your off day from the gym? Go dancing, hiking, swimming, playing, walking, ENJOY LIFE outside of the gym!
That’s what you should do on your off-days.
Sunday – Plan, Shop & Prepare
30 minutes activity and plan, shop, & prepare…and grab this #1 food for breakfast:
“A breakfast featuring protein-rich eggs reduces hunger pangs and decreases calorie consumption for the rest of the day, according to a University of Connecticut study. Researchers found that men who ate eggs for breakfast consumed significantly fewer calories at an unlimited lunch buffet than men who ate a breakfast based on bagels of equal calories.”
Next week!
TT Workout – Reformed Fat Loss
Research Review – One Surprising Activity That Can Wipe Out Your Results
Social Support – Phone Fat Loss