Bodyweight Workout for the Park or Gym

So on Saturday, ol’ Bally the Dog and I did a few loops around the river out in the country, on a gorgeous afternoon with the temperature around 62 Farenheit (15 Celcius).  

And while he sniffed out groundhog holes, swam in the river, and chased assorted varmints (never catching them, of course), I thought about how it was a perfect day for outdoor bodyweight training.

Heck, it’s the perfect time of year. Not too hot anywhere in the world, from California to Sydney, Auckland to Alaska, Boston to Barcelona, and all the other cities where the 90,000+ TT readers live, it’s a great time for bodyweight exercises in the park.

In fact, I once did this bodyweight session at a playground right beside the river where Bally and I do our trail walks.

It’s Phase 3 of the 6-Month TT Bodyweight Manual – Workout A

Exercise substitutions:
– For 1B, put your feet on steps instep of the ball
– For 3A, do 1-Leg RDL’s instead of 1-leg curls
– For 5B, do mountain climbers instead of the jackknife

1A) Prisoner Squat (15 reps)
1B) Feet on Ball Pushup (12 reps)
2A) Bulgarian Split Squat (12 reps)
2B) Chin-up (Max-1)
3A) Stability Ball 1-Leg Curl (10 reps)
3B) Spiderman Pushup (6 reps)
4A) Walking Lunge (15 reps)
4B) Side Plank Leg Lift (8 reps)
5A) Rotate Lunge (10 reps)
5B) Stability Ball Jackknife (15 reps)

You can finish with intervals, or do intervals the next day when you have a day off from bodyweight exercises.

It’s the perfect plan for the park, the gym, or your home.

And if you want the rest of the program, you can get it PLUS Bodyweight Cardio 3 PLUS the TT Bodyweight Cardio 1000 for just $19.95 this week only.

That’s less than a couple of greasy pizzas, and a heck of a lot better for your abs too.

=> Get 101 bodyweight exercises & 6-month program here

Burn fat and build muscle at the park,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

BTW – On  Sunday, it rained and there was even a…
…thunderstorm, with lightening knocking out the power halfway through writing this email. Fortunately I saved my work.
In fact, it looked like 8pm even though it was 11am as I wrote this to you. Crazy.
And while I have no idea what the rest of the week holds for weather, I do know that this Bodyweight Workout Special is only available until this Friday at midnight. Then it’s gone and the price of the Bodyweight manual jumps up big time.
This is the best bodyweight deal ever in the history of fitness.
And oh sweet, the sun just came out. What a strange morning…Off for another loop of the river with B the D.