The Lowdown on Controversial Foods
We’re back again with another excerpt from the interview I conducted with fat loss expert Isabel Del Los Rios. Last day, Isabel mentioned the number 21 and how it possesses these magical habit-forming properties. Link back to find out more and also learn what type of post-nutrition foods you should be eating to reach your goals – for fat loss or for muscle building.
Milk, grains, and organic food shopping – each of these topics can get pretty controversial, but let’s find out the experts take on them and how you can work her tips into your fat loss plan….
Craig Ballantyne: Okay. Now, I would say that this is the most controversial topic in nutrition these days by far, nothing is even close to it, and that is milk.
So, what is your opinion on milk and health? What is the best type of milk to drink when you are on a fat loss program?
Isabel De Los Rios: You’re right; I think this really is one of the most controversial topics. I think people do a lot better without milk, especially for fat loss, because a lot of people are intolerant to dairy, and they don’t realize it.
I take people off of dairy and they LEAN DOWN so quickly.
It is amazing, borderline frightening. So, my thoughts on milk are if you cannot get raw unpasteurized organic milk, you should probably stay away from the stuff. I’m talking about organic farmers.
Conventional farmers as far as the cows and dairy cows, is absolutely sickening as to how they raise the cattle. So stay away from conventional dairy and go back to the raw. When they pasteurize milk, they increase the temperature high enough to damage all the good enzymes, and you need those enzymes for digestion.
We’re seeing so much more lactose intolerant people who are not able to digest milk. They are not getting the enzymes that they need from the milk, cheese, or whatever it is they’re drinking as far as dairy. Some people have a hard time leaning down even with the raw dairy. Their body just DOESN’T DIGEST that protein as well as other proteins. This doesn’t mean it is good or bad, it just means that it does not work well for fat loss.
Craig Ballantyne: So, how long does it take of being off dairy products before you know that you should be off them? Is it like two days? Seven days?
Isabel De Los Rios: It is usually about a week. The significant differences give yourself 14 days, and you’ll know. You’ll definitely know it. Plus 14 days is enough time to really let the system maybe get the bad stuff out and let your metabolism start burning off the bad fat it wants to get rid of.
What people don’t realize is that your body does not want that bad fat that is on your body. All it is looking for is the right environment to work in. So, if you give your body the right foods and stop giving it the wrong foods it will work and do what it wants to do, and it wants to burn off that nasty fat. That’s the good news. So, I would say give it a solid two weeks.
Craig Ballantyne: And does it matter if it is milk, versus cheese, versus dairy or versus yogurt it is all the same?
Isabel De Los Rios: Yes, it is all pretty much the same.
What’s good is that you can get raw cheese many more places than you ever could before. So, that is pretty easy to get. Now, raw milk, on the other hand, that is a little harder. But, you know even my Whole Foods, my health food store, they all carry raw cheese and in many varieties.
Craig Ballantyne: Okay. Very cool. Let’s move on to one of the runners up for controversial topics, and we will talk about grains on a fat loss program and in terms of health as well.
Isabel De Los Rios: Yes. This is another shocker to a lot of people. There are a lot of grains that are healthy foods, but by nature, we were not designed to digest grains.
When we were still hunter gathers, we didn’t hunt rice. It wasn’t out there. We killed animals and we picked berries and found nuts and things like that. So, that is what our bodies are really designed to digest. A lot of people say to me “brown rice is good.”
You know what?
If you really want to LEAN DOWN, if you really want to lose this weight that your body has been holding on to you got to LOSE THE GRAINS.
It’s a lot easier than a lot of people think. You can come up with some great meals all day just with healthy proteins, good fats, fruits, veggies and raw nuts. That in itself should give you more than enough meal options.
Now, what I have found is that people with type 2 diabetes in their family, so those that are genetically predisposed to type 2 diabetes and heart disease, they do not do well with grains. And when I take them off grains it’s phenomenal what happens to their health and also to their weight loss.
Craig Ballantyne: Is that the same duration, 10 days, or seven days to figure it out?
Isabel De Los Rios: Seven days you will see a big difference, but you want to stick to the 14 days. Then what you can do is after 14 days bring it back in slowly, maybe just in one meal, and people usually know right away. They may feel kind of bloated after making oatmeal or have headache or their weight loss may start to plateau.
If they do the elimination trial they will see if they are one of those people.
Craig Ballantyne: All right, good stuff. Let’s talk about the new KFC double down sandwich and how many have you had, and how do you enjoy it?
Isabel De Los Rios: I actually didn’t know what people were talking about and I actually went on the internet to see the KFC double down commercials.
The meat that the fast food restaurants use is the lowest quality meat, it is absolute garbage. Besides the fact that it doesn’t have bread nor do they give the calorie content on the internet, this stuff is so low quality.
If I were to take my free range poultry and make two pieces of grilled chicken breasts and get my nitrate free bacon, and put a couple pieces of raw cheese in the center. I would make my own DSP double down. But, as far as the stuff that KFC uses, it is a good concept but the quality is just bad.
Stay away from KFC and all the fast food places, there is no use for that.
Craig Ballantyne: Where do you get your foods? You talked about Whole Foods, but do you order anything online, do go to local butchers or local farms?
Isabel De Los Rios: Yes. I sort of mastered the art of finding everything at the best prices, because that is usually the biggest gripe.
You’ve got to see what you have around you. So, all of our meat comes from, all of it. What we do is we order in bulk, because the more you order the less it is, and you get all these discounts on top of that. So, my finance husband did the math and it actually all comes out to be significantly CHEAPER than buying the organic meats at Whole Foods or any of the grocery stores. Even the shipping, I can’t even remember, maybe like $7.00 for this humongous order. You have to have some space in the freezer, but we do that.
I live in an area where I do have a lot of farms around me, so I do buy my vegetables at the different farms and we did find a health food store where I am able to get organic produce at reasonable prices.
Now, is it going to be a little more costly for some people?
…if you’re one of those people spending five dollars on fancy cereals. But if you stop buying those and spend that money on organic fruits and vegetables instead, it’s not going be more. If you’re buying those microwavable meals that are, I mean they are pretty pricey, they are like three or four dollars each. If you stop buying those and spend it on the high quality food, then I’m sure your grocery bill will be about the same.
In part 5 our expert interview with Isabel De Los Rios is going to talk about vegetarian nutrition and the common food mistakes she frequently sees vegetarians make when trying to lose weight.