What Separates Turbulence Training For All The Rest

Kate Vidulich the creator of the Fat Loss Accelerators asked that I take you through a 30-minute fat loss workout in part 3 of this expert interview series. If you have a chance jump back to check it out.
We still have so much more to cover, so let’s get right into it.
Kate: Let’s talk a little bit more about these four-minute workouts because there’s this research study that came out last year, right, from Canada? There’s this four-minute bodyweight workout but—
Craig: Yeah, so they found that four minutes of bodyweight training was just as effective for building aerobic fitness and more effective for building muscular endurance than 30 minutes of cardio. That’s why we start using them so much more in Turbulence Training.
Kate: Yeah, I’ve started using them as well with my clients and people really can’t believe that this style of training is just as effective as that really high intense running on the treadmill. So what’s the difference between these four-minute workouts and the Home Workout Revolution Workouts? What’s the difference in these two programs?
Craig: Well, that is the Home Workout Revolution. Now the difference between that and Turbulence Training is that Home Workout Revolution has absolutely no equipment necessary for all the workouts. Some of those workouts are four minutes long. Almost all of them are under 20 minutes. There are a couple that are just over 20. Turbulence Training is different because it’s three times per week of 30 minutes and you build more muscle with Turbulence Training whereas both of them are super awesome for fat loss and both of them are great for fitness. But you build a little bit more muscle because you’re using the dumbbell resistance in the Turbulence Training Program. Both of them are structured programs that allow you to get amazing results.
One just quick additional four-minute workout—we walked about using the 20/10 system. There are other ways of doing the four-minute workouts. You can do it so you do eight exercises for 30 seconds or you could do 4 exercises for 30 seconds and repeat that twice, or you could go Iron Man and do four exercises one minute each back to back to back.
Now here’s a way to do that:
Total body extension for a minute. That’s tough. You’ll probably get about 40 reps, maybe 35. You might be a bit off of it but that’s going to be awesome. Then you go down and you do whatever push-up you can do. If you can’t, most people probably won’t be able to do push-ups for a full minute so what I recommend they do is that they just hold that push-up plank position. So they go hard on that for a minute. then we go back up and you see this is using that non-compete format and I call it non-compete in that one muscle group rests while the other muscle group works. So we work lower body then upper body.
Now we’re going back to lower body to do either squats, or alternating lunges or the switch lunges and the swing lunges, which we talked about on the weekend for 60 seconds. Then we’ll go back and we could do like a mountain climber. Core, we might go hardcore and do burpees for a minute. You’ll probably get about 15 to 20 repetitions of burpees. Now what’s only for advance but you might even do a minute of jumping jacks. So those minutes, four exercises for a minute, you’ll be wiped out. It’s going to be totally awesome. That’s another way of doing the four-minute workouts.
Kate: Well, that sounds totally awesome. Speaking of differences between programs, what separates Turbulence Training from CrossFit and P90X, which are so popular these days?
Craig: Sure. Let’s start with P90X. Many Turbulence Training users have come into the Turbulence Training world saying “I just don’t have time to work out six days per week for 45 to 60 minutes” and we already had that problem solved in Turbulence Training that it was only three times per week. But most people don’t even have that 45 minutes so we had to switch that up as well. So now we’ve got it done by 3 by 30 minutes and you dial in your nutrition because you have so much more time where you’re not working out and you don’t have excuses for your nutrition. You can plan ahead, you can identify every obstacle that you have, come up with two solutions for each obstacles in your nutrition and you’ll get amazing results when you implement those solutions. That only happens because you have four to six hours less workout time.
Now those workouts are hard but they’re high volume and they’re too frequent, and as I mentioned on the weekend again at the Turbulence Training seminar, I’ve done research studies where we’ve put people on six-days-per-week programs and they end up with shoulder injuries all the time, even on five days per week because it’s overused. If you’re squatting, you’re working your shoulders because you have the bar on your back, you’re holding weight, or you’re holding your hands in a certain position, if you’re doing presses of any kind, you’re working your shoulders. If you’re doing push-ups every day, you are going to hurt your shoulder joint. So people that can’t handle so much volume end up getting hurt on those high frequency programs and they’re just wasting so much time because you can get the same results in less time. That’s the biggest different again with stuff like P90X.
The Home Workout Revolution, again the workouts are shorter. That’s the difference between and the Insanity Workouts. You don’t need to do that mush exercise. You don’t need to do that much advanced biometric training when you’re trying to lose body fat. There are other safer ways of training. That’s how I believe it’s different. We walked about I am super stickler person for form. I want form done properly because you can get great muscular tension with form better than if you were jumping around using momentum and your joints and tendons are taking a lot of the load. So we train safer. We may not be as exciting as the infomercials but we train safer, smarter, and still get the amazing results. I’ll put my transformation contests up against anybody else’s transformation contests any day. The results are there in less workout time per week.
Then against CrossFit, they’re extreme exercises. They do exercises I don’t like in high speed fashion and high repetition. You know the box jump, I mentioned this in an email the other day. A woman at the YMCA here where I train jumping out and then jumping back down and overloading her Achilles tendon. Now women don’t get Achilles tendon injuries as much as guys my age do. I’ve had a couple of good friends—not Coby, Coby’s not my good friend yet—but Coby got injured and a couple of my good friends that I actually know in person had injured their Achilles tendon. You injure your Achilles tendon, you can’t do anything for six months because you just can’t support your weight. So I don’t want to see that type of training because it’s not necessary.
That’s how we’re different. We’re different in that we care more about form, doing things right. And if lose a couple of clients to people who want to go and train super fast, super crazy, super extreme, and super exciting, that’s fine. That’s fine. I wish them well. I hope they don’t get hurt but they should expect it when they’re training super crazy. So those are the biggest differences. Like I said, I think the results are still going to be just as good because we’re training with focus. We’re training with tension and we’re training with tempo. That’s the bottom line with Turbulence Training.
Kate: Well, like you’ve done in the weekend, you made a big point about training and how it’s conservative. It doesn’t mean that it doesn’t get results. It just means that people are not going to get injured and hurt because as a trainer, if your client gets hurt it’s your fault really. It doesn’t matter what anyone says but I know my clients, like Mike Boyle has said before, if your client gets injured it’s the trainer’s fault no matter what happens. So it’s your responsibility to look after the client, to get them great results, and also to make sure that you’re creating a program that’s progressive but also conservative and addresses their needs as they progress through the training to get the results.
Craig: Absolutely. Just to add to that, Kate, in the CrossFit world if you get hurt, it’s your fault. You’re not tough enough for the program. But as a personal trainer in the real world who doesn’t run by those gyms, you don’t have that luxury where you can just say oh, you’re not tough enough for my training. You lose your reputation in your town and you lose your business so you cannot have that go down. That’s important. Also, training should be purposeful. Every set, every rep, every exercise is in there for a reason and that is the big difference.
Kate: Yeah, I found killing your clients is not going to get them results even if they’re looking for some kind of hard workout. Obviously, Turbulence Training has been the best of the bunch of all these styles of training, particularly when I’ve rocked these clients that are so busy. They’re here in New York. They don’t have time to waste. They don’t tolerate crap or getting hurt from doing risky stuff or over-training. That’s why I like to use Turbulence Training and the combination of Fat Loss Accelerators with my clients in just shorter sessions. And it works! That’s how I get more clients, because I’m getting great results. Not necessarily fast results but results that people want.
Great lets end this here for today. More to come tomorrow
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Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer