10-Minute “Middle Age” Workout

Happy Memorial Day to all of my American friends.
As a Canadian visiting Denver this weekend, I’ll be working on Monday. I have too many cool ideas from Paleo FX and want to write some great new programs and nutrition articles for you.
But even if you’re enjoying a cookout or a parade today, you still have time for this 10-Minute Metabolic Boosting workout to combat the middle-age spread… and burn off those afternoon burgers you’ll soon be enjoying.
So let’s get to work!
Here’s a workout that I did in my hotel room in Austin, Texas, on the weekend. It’s a true “Paleo-style Caveman Workout”…if a caveman stayed at the Austin JW Marriott, of course (one of my favorite hotels in the country, BTW!)
It’s a little advanced, but guaranteed to burn the Memorial Day Middle-Age Spread that we get from enjoying too many burgers and beers in the backyard.
10-Minute Middle Age Metabolism Booster
1A) Punisher Squat – 20 seconds squat, 10 second hold
1B) Close-Grip Pushup – 30 seconds
1C) Iron Cross Hold – 30 seconds
1D) Punisher Squat – 20 seconds squat, 10 second hold
1E) Spiderman Climb – 30 seconds
1F) Reverse Lunge (alternating sides) – 30 seconds
1G) Cross-Body Mountain Climber (alternating sides) – 30 seconds
– Repeat two more times for a 10.5-minute metabolism boost.
If you need something a little less intimidating, try this simple 10 minute workout routine.
This is perfect if you’ve found ol’ CB’s free Monday circuits to be too much for you.
The 10-minute routine at the link above is a kinder, gentler way to kickstart your fat loss today. Let me know what you think.
Taking care of your holiday Monday and a great start to the week,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Today’s to-do list:
Focus on what matters. Stop doing what doesn’t. Take time to reflect on my life to know the difference and make the right decisions.