10-Minute Super ARMS and ABS “Pump” Workout

Forgive me ladies, for I have workout-sinned. Today is the workout version of manspreading. Haha.
I’m sorry. It just is.
It’s a super sexy circuit with Tony Stark snark, with Arnold attitude, and with more pumps than a sugar-filled Starbucks drink.
But of course, I know a lot of TT ladies that will love it just as much as the TT boyz!
So let’s do this.
(Oh, and don’t worry, later this week we’re going to slow things down with a smooth Barry White kind of workout just in case this one is too much rock-n-roll for you…so stay tuned!)
Until then, for those about to pump up your arms and sculpt your abs, we salute you!
Here’s this week’s free workout:
The 10-Minute Super Arms and Abs “Pump” Workout
– Rest 15 seconds between exercises.
– Go through the circuit once… or twice if you’re addicted to an all-morning muscle pump that will make your arms look super sexy and lean at work
1) Pushups – As many repetitions as possible in 60 seconds
2) Iron Cross Hold (or DB Chest-Supported Row) – 30 seconds
3) Kneeling Plank-to-Triceps Extension – 30 seconds
4) Squat & Curl (with or without dumbbells) – 60 seconds
5) Rocking Plank – 60 seconds
6) Reverse Lunge with Curl – 30 seconds per side
7) 1 & ½ rep Close-Grip Pushups (kneeling, if necessary) – 30 seconds
8) Iron Cross Hold (or DB Chest-Supported Row) – 30 seconds
9) Kneeling Plank-to-Triceps Extension – 30 seconds
10) Squat & Curl (with or without dumbbells) – 60 seconds
1 & ½ rep Close-Grip Pushups – Lower your body all the way down, push halfway back up, then lower all the way back down, and then push all the way up. That’s one rep. Use perfect form, so do them on your knees if necessary. It’s all about your triceps (the back of your arms).
Plank-to-Triceps Extensions are also known as Sphinx Pushups. Watch them here.
Squat & Curl – Squat down with your arms at your sides and palms facing forward. As you stand back up, flex your elbows and contract your biceps to curl your palms to your shoulders. Hold dumbbells if you want. Straighten your arms as you squat down again.
Reverse Lunge with Curl – Step back with one leg and hold your arms at your sides and palms facing forward. As you stand back up, flex your elbows and contract your biceps to curl your palms to your shoulders. Hold dumbbells if you want. Straighten your arms as you step back again. Do all reps for one side and then switch… after taking a 15-second break.
Good times.
A big change from what you normally get with a short, burst bodyweight Monday metabolism circuit, but I know you’re going to love it.
Please share with your friends. Just forward this email.
And then head over to my Facebook page and let me know what you think… once your arms stop shaking and a little bit of the “pump” subsides. ☺
Giving you a Happy Monday,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – And don’t forget to use this simple diet advice to look and feel lean and sexy all week…
- Eat more protein (fish, chicken, meat, eggs, whey protein, etc.).
- Eat more fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts.
- Eliminate 90% of the sugar from your diet.
- Eliminate dairy and grains if these irritate your digestive system.
- Avoid ALL processed foods from a bag or a box.
- Don’t drink calories (no sugary coffees, sodas, juices, etc.) with the exception of BioTrust protein shakes (if needed to hit your protein needs).
Bottom line: Eat real food. Nutrition is simple stuff. Set your diet rules, plan ahead, prepare your meals, and enjoy feeling better and looking younger.
Choose wisely. Live better. Stay strong. Push on.