Do THIS 10-Minute Transformation in the Morning

It’s a new week…
…and that means a NEW start for you.
Here’s how to do it…
You’ll start with just 10 minutes this morning to makeover your metabolism.
In just 10-minutes you’ll start transforming your body.
And you’ll love it because …
…the truth is:
You do NOT need to do the things you hate even if you want to lose weight.
Transformation can be fun – and fast.
You see…
- Weight loss not about sweating or soreness.
- Weight loss is not about minutes spent on machines, or hours of aerobics.
- Weight loss is not about calories burned on counters.
- Weight loss is not about starvation or sacrifice.
Transformation is about something you can do for life.
It’s about something you like.
It’s about someone you love => YOU.
And so let us begin again…
Let us use the start of the week to create a NEW you… to transform you physically, mentally, emotionally.
Your time is now.
You start today.
All you need is 10 minutes in the morning…
… and we can transform together.
When you do, you can lose weight, feel great, and get back in shape.
I’ll even pay you for doing so.
You can still join the free TT Transformation Contest here
Now let’s begin again, my friend.
Here are two fantastic workouts for you to choose from…
The Beginner 10-Minute Transformation Workout
1) Jumping Jacks – 30 seconds
2) Lying 1-Leg Hip Extension – 30 seconds per side
3) Pushups or Kneeling Pushups – 30 seconds
4) Squat or Wall Squat Hold – 30 seconds
5) Plank – 30 seconds
– Rest 1 minute at the end of the circuit.
– Repeat up to 2 more times.
The Advanced 10-Minute Transformation Workout
1) Burpees – 30 seconds
2) Prisoner Reverse Lunge – 30 seconds per side (squeeze the upper back hard!)
3) Pushup or Decline Pushup – 30 seconds
4) Prisoner Squats – 30 seconds
5) Spiderman Climbs – 30 seconds (alternating sides)
6) Bodyweight Rows or Iron Cross – 30 seconds
– Rest 30 seconds at the end of each circuit.
– Repeat up to 2 more times.
That’s all there is to it for your Transformation Training sessions.
But wait, there’s more to your Transformation.
First, you must believe in yourself.
You can – and WILL – do it this time!
Second, you must eat for yourself.
No more sacrificing or starving yourself based on someone else’s diet.
Find the right nutrition program for your body type, your schedule, and your tastes.
Third, you must treat yourself.
Give yourself a reward meal every week to stay on track as you follow your program.
But what’s the perfect program to follow?
Start with Shawna Kaminski’s program here
She’s a Master Certified TT Trainer and you can use her program to enter the TT Transformation Contest.
There’s no charge to enter the contest, and we pay out big bucks to the winners of our 4 categories:
- Women Over 40
- Women Under 40
- Men Over 40
- Men Under 40
The prizes are (for each category):
- 1st Place – $1000 + a 3-year TT Platinum Membership
- 2nd Place – $500 + a 2-year TT Platinum Membership
- 3rd Place – $250 + a 1-year TT Platinum Membership
(Ooops, almost forgot, there is a PRO category for past winners, too!)
Whew. It’s an amazing opportunity.
So go get ‘em!
And then double-check all of the details about taking your before-photos for the TT Transformation Contest.
(And yes, you can still enter today… it just means you only have 11 weeks and 6 days for your transformation… instead of 12 weeks… but that IS still enough to make incredible changes in your mind and body.)
Remember this last piece of advice…
You cannot make a physical transformation without making an even BIGGER mental transformation.
You’re going to build self-confidence, overcome obstacles, and truly believe in yourself when you finish the TT Contest.
And I can’t wait to meet the NEW you very soon.
Your time to transform is now!
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Take that first step…
…outside of your little comfort zone.
Give yourself a little push out of the nest.
Jump on in… the water’s fine!
You can do it.
I believe in you.
And then double-check all of the details about taking your before-photos for the TT Transformation Contest.
Time to believe in yourself!