10 Minute Trouble Spot Workouts

It’s a DOUBLE workout day in this email, as I’m going to give you 2 brand NEW short workouts for your trouble spots.
Workout #1 is Bodyweight-Only and targets your tush. And yes, this is important for guys. I still remember with Laurie K., a personal trainer at the gym I worked at in University, came up to me and told me I had a great butt.
Well, it was due in a large part to these exercises. Enjoy all the attention you get thanks to this workout fixing your trouble spot. Do exercises 1A and 1B by lowering for 2 seconds and lifting in 1 strong second.
Workout #1: The Great Butt Trouble Spot Circuit
1A) Reverse Lunges (alternating sides) – 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds each
1B) 1-Leg Lying Hip Extension – 40 seconds per side, rest 20 seconds each
1C) Prisoner Squats – 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds
1D) Hard-Core Plank (squeeze your glutes HARD!) – 40 seconds, rest 20s
– Repeat the circuit 1 more time.
That will firm your butt in just 10 minutes done twice per week. Work your way up to holding dumbbells at your sides for lunges or a dumbbell or Kettlebell in the “Goblet” position in front of your chest for the squats.
Need more help with your trouble spots and stubborn fat? Try these…
=> 5 Trouble Spot Workout Cures
Every lady I’ve ever known has also enjoyed a nice muscular upper body. I remember when one of my college girlfriends told me that her mom said, “Oh, he looks strong!” That made my day.
If you need a little upper body boost, add this circuit 1-2 times per week at the end of your regular TT or HWR workout. And yes ladies, guys love gals with a little muscle. There’s nothing like seeing a woman do a chin-up … it shows independence, sexiness, and confidence.
We’ll use 40 second sets for muscle-pumping hypertrophy. Do each rep by lowering for 2 seconds and lifting in 1 strong second.
Workout #2: The Upper-Body Booster Circuit
1A) *DB Incline Press – 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds
1B) 90% Pushup – 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds (come only 90% of way up)
1C) DB 1-Arm Row – 40 seconds per side, rest 20 seconds each
– Rest 1 full minute and repeat the circuit 1 more time.
There are so many ways to fix your trouble spots…check this out:
=> Go here to Cure Your Trouble Spots (for butts, bellies, & backsides)
Adios old Trouble Spots,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Ready to get ADVANCED results?
Use the Trouble Spot Curing Secrets here:
=> Fix Your Trouble Spots with these PROVEN methods
It will work for every body part that is giving you T-R-O-U-B-L-E.
PPS – Surround yourself with…
…”people who inspire you, who make you better, who you respect, and who you look up to. You’ll be better for it. – Robert MacDonald
“You either become like your companions, or you bring them over to your own ways. Great is the danger, so be circumspect on entering into personal associations, even and especially light-hearted ones. We often end up being carried along by the crowd. Choose your associations with care. It is natural to want to be well-regarded by others, but you must gradually wean yourself from such dependence on the admiration of others.” – The Art of Living