10 Secrets From Mastermind

You often hear me talking about this group.
It’s really important to be surrounded by your peers. Just listen to Seth:
“Your peer group are people with similar dreams, goals and worldviews. They are people who will push you in exchange for being pushed, who will raise the bar and tell you the truth.
They’re not in your business, but they’re in your shoes.
Finding a peer group and working with them, intentionally and on a regular schedule, might be the single biggest boost your career can experience.” – Seth Godin
Often I talk about the 100K Info Mastermind group…
One of our biggest success stories, The Queen of WOW, Lori Kennedy, is an Alpha-Female. Even in a room of ambitious men she can own the room.
Lori wanted to show you what you were missing, so she put together her Top 10 BIG Lessons from the Mastermind.
10 Secrets From Hanging with the Big Boys of the Mastermind Group
By Lori Kennedy, The Queen of WOW <= Craig came up with that!
I first joined Bedros and Craig’s Info mastermind group in March 2012 and I’ve been coaching with Bedros in a secret Mastermind group as well. There are two meetings a year out in California, and while that’s a LONG way from my home in Toronto, it’s worth every penny and minute to get there.
Since I’m the only woman in this mastermind group, I thought the title of this list was appropriate.
10 Lessons I Learned From Masterminding With Men
By Lori
1. You MUST Create Systems
After you’ve had a little success, you need to get serious. You must have systems if you want to grow to the next level of success… otherwise you will burn out. Everything we do requires a system so it can duplicated and delegated to someone else.
2. Focus on Your #1 Priority
Our job is to be creative, to market and to sell. Everything else comes secondary. If you don’t like those things then partner with someone who does. If you are the marketer, delegate everything else to others who are better at doing those things (like web design, customer service, etc.).
3. Take an inventory of your life every 90 days
Think about how you are treating your family and friends. They come first. What are you missing out on and is that worth the cost to you? How can you fix that? You can have good life AND a successful business.
4. Brainstorming with like-minded people is the key to success
It’s all well and good to brainstorm with people but choose your people WISELY because most others don’t really understand the kind of business you are building. The wrong people can accidentally take your business down a dead end road.
5. It is NORMAL to Thrive Off Your Work
What other people perceive as busy or work-a-holic, we actually enjoy and take pleasure from. Don’t feel pressured into others people’s definition of a “good life”.
6. Everyone wants and needs recognition
Making money doesn’t equate to the feeling you get when you open an email from a happy client or customer sharing how you’ve changed their life. Enjoy the recognition and give it out in return.
7. The work is NEVER done. EVER.
There will always be new opportunities coming up. Be grateful for them!
8. What you believe becomes your reality.
That’s why it’s a MUST to hang out with and have a close circle of friends who believe the same kind of reality you believe. Never surround yourself with people who have a negative attitude about what you do.
9. Be careful who you share your dreams and goals with.
There is no need to announce your BIG dreams to the world because you will likely be met with criticism and disbelief. Keep your big goals to yourself and share then with the people within your circle of trust.
10. No one can buy you more time.
Time is the most expensive commodity we have. Be careful where you choose to spend your time because it can’t be undone or taken back.
Well said, Lori! Just yesterday I posted this on my Twitter page:
“To waste time is to waste your life. The most important choices you’ll ever make are how you use your time.” – Dave Kekich
Choose how you spend your time, and who spend it with, WISELY.
Time matters,
Craig Ballantyne