11 Powerful Marketing Questions for You
Hey, if you’re here, make sure you come up and say “Hi!” to me at the Info Blueprint Workshop. I love meeting readers and helping you with your questions…And I also love hearing your answers to my powerful questions.
The right questions lead to the right answers, and it’s time to get serious about reaching our big goals that we set back in January. Let’s push to the final minute of 2014 … or until you have achieved what you set out to do.
Here are 11 questions I want you to think about this weekend when you are able to get out of your regular office and go somewhere that inspires you, with your caffeinated beverage of choice that will also inspire you.
Don’t take your laptop…and try not to take your mobile phone either.
Just go…pen and paper…get hopped up on caffeine and let your mind race…don’t edit it. Answer these questions…make lots of notes…and come back to them on Sunday morning…then make a plan of attack to do the right things before the New Year.
11 Powerful Questions for YOU:
1) WHAT: Is your true #1 priority?
2) HOW: Can you spend more time on it?
3) WHO: Do you need to be connected to?
4) WHAT: Is the most profitable work you can do?
5) HOW: Much time are you devoted to that most profitable work?
6) WHY: Are you not doing more of it? (Fix your schedule & priorities!)
7) WHAT: Must you STOP doing?
8) WHAT: Has worked best?
9) HOW: Can you do more of it?
10) WHO: Do you need on your team to support you?
11) WHAT: Resources do you have that are going unused?
There is gold in your answers.
Push on,
Craig Ballantyne
“If you’re born poor, it’s not your mistake. But if you die poor, it is your mistake.” – Bill Gates