$18K In 3 Days
A wise man once said:
“I love it when a plan comes together.”
And then he hauled a puff of his stogie, smiled, and congratulated his team. Now while I don’t smoke cigars, nor am I a former mercenary, like Hannibal from the A-Team, I do LOVE it when a plan comes together, as it did for Mastermind member Forest Vance in his recent launch.
Forest is a team player, a Go-Giver, and now a launch veteran. Enjoy his success story. This is really great. I pity the fools that don’t take advantage of this. – CB Baracus
The $18K Launch
By Forest Vance
We just wrapped up my first launch and it’s time to share the lessons learned that hopefully you can apply to YOUR business.
As of right now – 8am pst on Sunday morning … we extended the sale for the weekend … we just crossed the 700 sale mark and about 18,000 in gross revenue. This is great and exceeded our goals going in!
Had a total of 29 affiliates make at least one sale. This was also awesome and exceeded our goals considering the size of the market for this product, etc.
The conversions were also solid – of course varied a lot depending on affiliate but majority were at or less than 1/20 hops and according to Clickbank we were actually at 1/13 hops overall or about 7%.
Here are three big things that we learned that hopefully will help you in your future promotional endeavors:
1 – Great customer service is essential
We had a customer send us a nasty email … so I emailed him personally offering another product for free that I thought would solve his problem … and he ended up being very impressed and actually giving us a testimonial!
Putting the customer first and having a positive mindset goes a long way.
This leads me to point #2 …
2 – Have a thick skin
When you make a significant # of sales in a short amount of time, you will hopefully be getting a lot of positive feedback about your program. Which we most certainly have.
But you are ALSO going to get some negative feedback as well … and you just have to realize that (if it’s not people saying the same things over and over etc.) it’s part of the deal. If you want to help a lot of people you’re going to piss a couple folks off in some way or another.
So you have to keep your end goal in mind and just deal with it
3 – It’s not about the size of your list
One affiliate made over 30 sales with a list of less than 500. Another sent less than 200 hops TOTAL during the entire promo and made 44 sales.
It’s NOT about the size of your list, it’s about the relationship you have with your readers, your ability to write compelling email copy, market to message match, etc. This was eye-opening and a GREAT lesson.
4 – Partnering up with the right people is a GOOD thing
I will be honest, I have always been hesitant to partner up on a project. But Georgette is awesome and this turned out to be great!
Her experience in the business and all the contacts and relationships she has built up over the years was SUPER key to making the promotion a success.
I have the kettlebell training expertise and experience to create the product … and also know some of the same people so was able to at least help get a fair share of folks on board to help out as well.
Georgette is also SUPER cool and down to earth and just genuinely a good person And I think a lot our own personal strengths are the other’s weaknesses. So thank you Georgette!!
5 – Get expert advice
We got the sales copy professionally written for this one and I thought it was pretty good to start out … then we got the opinion of multiple different people and we realized that it might not be as good as we thought it was.
Getting advice from Craig and Jeff and Bedros and a copy logic session all helped big time. It is still a work in progress but I think all these things put together made us at least 30-50% more sales than we would have otherwise.
Guys – here is a tip for you – something I have learned from the modest success I have had so far –
Do what Craig says. Keep it simple. Don’t second guess. It’s a proven business model. Just work hard and DO it.
It’s not going to be EASY, that is for sure ... but it is SIMPLE. Quite literally everything you need to build your online business has been covered here over the last year or so.
These things like getting good at writing copy and building relationships with affiliates etc. take time and work. But the rewards are TOTALLY worth it … you can help so many people around the world and have such freedom of lifestyle! That is all for now .
Rock on and talk soon,
Congratulations Forest, you deserve it.
Craig Ballantyne
“Build relationships. Get guidance. Take action.” – Rick Kaselj
PS – Want to make money with your website?
You need coaching. Your next opportunity is Wednesday, May 7th at our next Mastermind Meeting. Email Joan@Keuilian.com to reserve your spot.
Can’t make that? Your next chance is June 5th. Email Joan@Keuilian.com. BUT after that Bedros and I are taking the summer off…and you’ll lose out on your chance to make money with your passion over the summer. So make sure you join us for a 1-Day Mastermind on your business ASAP.
Forest did…and look at the success he has had!