2 Success Secrets from the Cranky Millionaire

Yesterday I pointed out our BIG mistake. Today, you learn how to fix them, courtesy of two big lessons from the Cranky Millionaire (revealed at the end of this free call). Check this out…
Here’s my latest interview with the one and only Joel Millionairion. Make sure to listen again and again <= free!
He almost forgot to mention this program!
Key points from Joel:
1) The Key to Continued Success is Resisting Complacency
As Kennedy says, “We must keep on finding the replacement for the replacement.” No matter how much success you have, you always need to keep on evolving.
Growing up I always heard how Madonna was ‘re-inventing herself’. I didn’t ‘get it’ until…
I myself struggled with this a couple of years ago. Business was flat-lining. Young ‘punks’ were coming out of nowhere and catching up to me…which was great for them and our industry and the fitness family…but I wanted to rise to the top again, rather than being thought of as a dinosaur.
So I scratched it all and re-invented myself with Home Workout Revolution. I pulled a Madonna (but please, call me Madge).
Joel explains the importance of this at the start of our call.
2) Creating Products from Your Content
A great tip. It allows you to sell more of your own products while relying less on affiliate promotions.
3) Joel channels the infamous Cranky Millionaire to end our call…
…and reveals the 2 most important things you need to know for 2015.
Listen to the free call here => http://instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=62331852
And remember, Joel is my most successful coaching client. We did phone coaching back in 2009 before he launched his first product – and made $300K in four days. Don’t miss this call.
This will be the biggest help to fixing your online business mistakes.
That’s not hype. It’s fact.
Millionaire fact.
And it’s free.
Talk soon,
Craig Ballantyne
PS – Need coaching?
Join me live at a 1-Day Mastermind. Email Joan@Keuilian.com for info on our New York and California mastermind dates (and we are coming to Nashville in September, too). No Excuses. Let’s go!