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Defy Aging DNA the Easy Way

By Ellison, M.Sc. | 06/8/2009

When they’re 65 years old, most of your friends will be sitting idle in an old folks home, counting the weeks by the number of times they play bingo. But not you. If you learn how to boost one single enzyme in your body, you can defy aging the easy way. You’ll be traveling the world, maybe parachuting for the first time or perhaps starting a highly profitable business.


Going From Brand to Religion

By Mark Morgan Ford | 06/8/2009

My wife K is a member of a cult. As a loyal member, she never gives up an opportunity to proselytize. Over the years, she has recruited our sons and most of her friends into her religion.

The cult she belongs to is represented by a symbol. It has distinct colors. It has a special language that other cult members recognize. They love their religion. They worship at its altars. They sing its praises. They believe that anyone who is not a member of their cult is silly, stupid, or foolish. And they will argue with you if you say one word against it.


Instant Writing Fix: Get Rid of the Warm Up

By Suzanne Richardson | 06/6/2009

You can almost always make your writing instantly stronger by chopping out the first paragraph or so. Andrew Gordon reminded me of this powerful and simple editing step when he reviewed an ETR article I’d written.


Eating Too Many Sweets Raises Breast Cancer Risk

By James B. LaValle | 06/6/2009

Could preventing breast cancer be as simple as cutting out carbs and sweets? Yes. That really is one way to decrease your risk of acquiring this vicious disease.
As you know from reading ETR, eating carbohydrates and simple sugars causes a spike in blood sugar. The constant elevation of blood sugar can, and often does, end in insulin resistance. And when that happens, your body loses the ability to utilize the calories from the carbohydrates you eat.


A Tried-and-True Recession-Busting Strategy for Winning Customers

By Paul Lawrence | 06/6/2009

No matter what kind of business you run, I have a secret that can help you make money even while the recession has your clients’ wallets shut tight.
To tell you the truth, this secret is a good way to make money any time.


Has the Housing Market Hit Bottom?

By Christian Hill | 06/6/2009

Many people are trying to call this the bottom of the housing market. While the loudest voices may be those with self-serving interests (namely, realtor groups), there is some real optimism creeping in.

The most recent Housing Opportunity Index – released by the National Association of Homebuilders and Wells Fargo Bank – shows that almost 73 percent of homes sold in the first quarter of this year were “affordable.” In order to qualify as “affordable,” the total costs of a home (mortgage, taxes, etc.) must not exceed 28 percent of the median family income (currently $64,000).


A Summer-Ready Body in 10 Minutes a Day – No Gym Required!

By Yarixa Ferrao | 06/5/2009

Don’t tell me you feel embarrassed to put on a bathing suit… and then tell me you don’t have time for exercise. That’s NOT a good excuse. You can do a high-intensity workout in less than 10 minutes. Better yet, you can do it at home or in your office, between meetings, while the laundry is drying, or after lunch. All it takes is a dynamic warm-up, 3 to 4 full-body exercises, and a couple of minutes of stretching afterward.


Why Multitasking Destroys Your Productivity

By Alex Mandossian | 06/5/2009

Most entrepreneurs I know are proud of their “multitasking” ability. But maybe they shouldn’t be. The term was originally applied to computers – to describe the way a CPU solves problems by scheduling tasks and switching back and forth from task to task until each one gets done. Well, that may be an efficient way for a computer to work, but it’s anything but efficient when it comes to your productivity.


Invest in India Now

By Ted Peroulakis | 06/5/2009

India is one of the world’s fastest-growing (and most stable) economies, with strength in its agriculture, textile, and service sectors. Services are its main source of economic growth, accounting for over half of India’s output with less than a third of its labor force. And India is on track to open up its retail, insurance, and banking sectors to more foreign investment.


The First Step to Getting a Sexy Beach-Ready Body

By Yarixa Ferrao | 06/4/2009

Many of my clients are in a hurry to slim down and tone up these days. Summer is upon us, which means they’re wearing less clothing and have more chances to feel self-conscious.


How Public Speaking Can Benefit You – Whatever You’re Selling

By Don Hauptman | 06/4/2009

You may be surprised to discover how many advantages public speaking offers to anyone who has something to sell. Your business, and your expertise, might be investing, fitness, motivating employees, fine art… or even video gaming. Whatever it is, people with an interest in that subject regularly assemble. They want to hear you.


No Product – No Problem

By Jason Holland | 06/4/2009

“This way, attendees could start making as much as $500 while they’re still at the conference!” MaryEllen exclaimed. We’d already made a big promise: Every attendee at our upcoming 5 Days in July Internet Business Building Conference WILL walk away with their own fully functioning Internet business – in just 5 days. But now MaryEllen had upped the ante. Now, attendees would have a chance to start making money even before they got back home.