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6 Steps to Getting Your Phone to Ring Off the Hook With New Clients

By Clayton Makepeace | 08/15/2008

New copywriters write me all the time, asking how to get a high-paying gig. A desperate few just want to know how to get any assignment.


One Valuable Lesson I’ve Learned From ETR

By Suzanne Richardson | 08/15/2008

As a longtime reader of ETR, this should come as no surprise to you. But when I first heard Michael Masterson’s secret of accelerated failure, it was like putting on glasses for the first time


The Internet Business Is Booming in Europe Too

By Mark Morgan Ford | 08/15/2008

Here in London for the summer, I’m reading the British business press. Not surprisingly, trends here are following those in the United States. The global real estate meltdown is affecting Europe. The housing market has dropped. The banking industry is down. And rising fuel costs are making things even worse.


The Tiger Woods Secret

By Rich Schefren | 08/14/2008

Tiger Woods may have slowed down from time to time, or faltered because of frustration or an obstacle in his path. But he never stopped moving forward. And today, he’s not only considered the best golfer in the game, but possibly of all time.


How I Increased My Profits By 1,000%

By Paul Lawrence | 08/14/2008

Richard called me in a panic, begging me to fill in as a guest on his local cable TV show. Seems that one of the people he’d booked had cancelled at the last minute. It sounded interesting, so I agreed.


Fight Immune-Based Cancers With Blackberries

By Kelley Herring | 08/14/2008

Blueberries have been lauded for their antioxidant ability and cancer-fighting effects. But another berry may offer protection against some of the deadliest forms of cancer. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh evaluated the effect of a compound extracted from blackberries called cyanidin-3-rutinoside (C-3-R) on cultured human leukemia cells. The C-3-R…


Travel Tips: 6 Uses for Toothpaste

By Lori Allen | 08/14/2008

When I was young, my mom would take water rings off our coffee table with toothpaste. Today, I use toothpaste for a number of things… especially when I’m traveling and have to limit the amount of “stuff” I bring with me. 1. Bee sting ointment. If you can’t get ice…


Keep Your Cool When Offered a “Hot” Deal

By Charlie Byrne | 08/13/2008

The plan was nearly perfect.

I’d fly from Florida up to JFK and spend Friday night at my nephew’s graduation party on Long Island. Saturday morning, I’d drive up to Boston to spend the rest of the weekend visiting friends, and would then fly back home out of Logan airport Sunday night.


How to Create Great Looking E-Book Covers

By Brian Edmondson | 08/13/2008

Having good looking graphics on your websites, e-books, and other digital products can go a long way in terms of branding yourself and your online business. It helps to establish credibility, professionalism, and trust – three key factors in converting visitors into buyers.


Blue Corn: The Lesser Evil

By Kelley Herring | 08/13/2008

As I’ve cautioned before in ETR, products made with cornmeal – even organic cornmeal – are hazardous to your health and waistline. They rank high on the glycemic index, elevate blood sugar levels, and encourage your body to store fat.

But when the occasional craving strikes and nothing but


Which Expert Will You Trust Your Business Success To?

By Bob Bly | 08/13/2008

The vast majority of entrepreneurs I meet – even mom-and-pops and small-business owners who operate out of their homes – spend thousands of dollars on hiring so-called experts to advise them on how to make their businesses more successful.


Getting Past the Fat-Loss “Dip”

By Craig Ballantyne | 08/12/2008

I’ve been reading a little book called The Dip by Seth Godin. It’s all about how the biggest marketing results are often achieved after a struggle. Unfortunately, many people quit during the struggle and never achieve success.

This is very true not only of marketing but of fat loss, working out, and eating right. (You might be able to relate.)