2014 Turbulence Training Workout Report Card

We saved the best Turbulence Training workout for last this year. You’ll see what I mean in a moment. 2014 was full of surprises, experiments gone right – and wrong, a couple of epic challenges, a sacrificial lamb workout, a sequel that exceeded the original, and lots of incredible fat burning results.
If you are sick and tired (like I am) of the generic, cardio-based workout programs you find in magazines, or worse, on sites like MSN.com, then you’re going to love these custom fat loss programs from my TT workout library.
Every month since October 2005 I’ve created a brand new 4-week workout program. Each year the workouts get better and better, thanks to the feedback from thousands of TT users all over the world. And every February, right around Ballantyne’s Day, I go through the previous year’s programs and give them a grade in our Workout Report Card.
You won’t see any other trainers being so brutally honest about their work. But I know that from time to time an experimental workout might not turn out well, and I insist on being upfront with you. We also share uncensored feedback on the programs from TT members, real people getting real results.
The purpose is to use the TT Report Card to find the PERFECT workout for your training interests, equipment access, and your goals. If you have any questions about the workouts, disagreements about the grades, or feedback on the programs, let me know at TurbulenceTrainingHelp@gmail.com or on FB at www.TurbulenceTrainingFanpge.com. Thank you, and stay in TT School! – Craig Ballantyne, CTT, Certified TT Trainer
Jan 2014 – TT 2K14 Guru 40-Min Fat Loss: Grade A-
This one starts off evil. My bad. It’s from my days with the Double-Kettlebell Front Squat obsession. And you also get the “7 Minutes of Hate Braigz CallEntyne” workout.
It’s a nasty 40 minute-per-workout program. Not for the faint of heart and so it only earns an “A-” (for Advanced with negatives) because it’s not accessible by anyone that is a beginner or even intermediate. But if you’re in the final stages of your transformation, or if you are advanced and simply want a rapid results program that will help you burn up to 21 pounds of belly fat in just 28 days, then go Guru. This one is for you.
Feb 2014 – TT Thermo-30 3.0 Gauntlets: Grade A+
In this program, you’ll repeat exercises within a circuit, sometimes two exercises as in our Double Gauntlet day, all with the express purpose of giving you faster fat loss results, dramatic increases in your overall fitness, and a feeling of total body exhaustion and soreness that Goldilocks would love – not too much, not too little, just right.
“I loved the gauntlet style layout, i.e. start and finish each circuit with the same or similar exercise. Also, for example, doing one side, then another exercise, then the other side, if you know what I mean. Also finishing in around 40 minutes, which included setting up equipment. After each workout I was beat, especially workout B, one of my favorites of the TTs I have done. This is great for fat loss and fitness. More of these short intense workouts please!” – Philip Burrage
Here’s why the Gauntlet system works so well. First, I’ve paired it with the #1 Training Tip of 2014, the Rest-Pause method. By using the Gauntlet and R-P system, we’ll deeply exhaust your muscles of carbohydrate stores and induce muscle damage. This puts massive Turbulence on your muscles, and causes your body to burn more calories – and belly fat – during the recovery period. Boom. That produces sky-high elevations in Afterburn, raising your post-workout metabolic rate through the roof. The end result is fast fat loss in just 30-minute sessions. You’ll agree with Philip, this is A+ program.
Mar 2014 – TT March Madness Fat Burning Circuits 2.0: Grade B
This one is the ‘broiled chicken breast’ workout of the year. Sure it gets the job done, but it’s not going to be a fat-burning meal you remember. There are three different levels of Turbulence in the program, from the Century Club Circuit workout to kick it all off, to the Meathead Metabolic Resistance Circuit that finishes with an arm pump you’ll have to feel to believe. TT circuits are better than any magazine circuit workout, but there’s just not a lot of sizzle in this program (except for the arm pump).
Apr 2014 – TT Mass At Home 2.0: Grade A++
It’s hard to believe it was 7 years ago, in April 2007, when I created the original version of the TT Mass at Home program. It was long overdue for a sequel, like Dumb and Dumber. 😉 But this sequel turned out much better. Time to head to the gun show. Time for Total Body Tension. Time for M-MRT 2K14.
“Workout C was a doozy. I’ve had some significant DOMS from A & B, and expect my arms to be screaming tomorrow. Here’s to progress!” – JimCriz
All of your favorite techniques are here, from 90% reps to the Rest-Pause system. You’ll love the mind-blowing pumps and amazing results that you can get in the comfort of your own home gym. This is an A++ workout. One of the best of 2014.
Apr 2014 – TT Carve Your Curves Circuit Workouts: Grade A
April was a double workout month. For those that don’t want mass, I gave you this program to carve your curves (although they are a great back-to-back pairing, too!).
“It’s just what I need! I like that there’s less upper body and more lower body exercises. My quads were screaming after Workout A. Good stuff.” – Maureen Garry, CTT
These workouts are strong enough for a man, but slightly specialized for a woman. You’ll do more bodyweight exercises, fewer sets (but more exercises), and more total body ab exercises. These shifts guarantee that you put curves in ALL the right spots.
You’ll enjoy building your confidence with the Strength Circuits, Carving Your Booty and Abs with Day 3’s Monster workout, and finishing off with my trademarked Big Five Fat Burning routine. This was a solid A-grade workout.
May 2014 – MRT 3.0 Metabolism Maximizer: Grade A-
Damaging Admission: I just haven’t been able to match the original intensity of MRT 1.0. That’s why the most I can give this program is an A-. That’s because the standard was set so high by the original in 2011. However, this one still rocks.
“Hi Craig, I finished MRT 3.0 and enjoyed the program. My pull-ups and chin-ups could do with improvements but the negatives have helped me build strength.” – Cyberlord10
June 2014 – TT BW Max Reps Challenge Circuits Workout: Grade B-
Sometimes a mediocre program leads to a better idea, and that’s what we have here. I had the right idea, but not the right order of exercises or the perfect iteration of the challenge. But this workout led to the A+ bodyweight workout I created in October. Consider this routine a sacrificial lamb. Bodyweight lovers will still enjoy it, but it’s not as good as the TT Bodyweight 5K Challenge. That said, if you want to increase your pushups, pullups, or 1-leg squat performance, this program will do the job. Plus, you get to ‘help’ design it.
July 2014 – TT for Meatheads the Metabolic Twist Workout: Grade A
This was an experiment gone…right! However, it requires extra equipment, and a fondness for muscle burning. But if you’re a true Meathead like me, you’re going to love the metabolic muscle pumps from the band-assisted exercises, like curls and extensions.
Raving TT Meathead fans have been demanding a new program and here comes one with a twist. Get ready to Twist and Burn, Meathead-style. Research shows that you don’t have to lift heavy all the time to build muscle, and that matters for guys like me that have been in the lifting game for a long time. I’ve been using these Twists in my own workouts for months and I’m addicted. Can’t wait to hear what you think.
August 2014 – TT for Abs IronCore 500: Grade C+
Another damaging admission: I thought people were going to hate this one…but the feedback was better than expected. It’s got a lot of ab and core work, so if that’s your interest, you’ll love it. It gives you a 500 rep abs challenge dedicated to carving-your-core, shedding belly fat, and getting you back in shape. But if you want a max fat burning workout or a Meatheads style program, you can skip it. It’s a solid workout but gets only a C+ because of the narrow focus on abs.
September 2014 – TT Xtreme Fat Loss 3.0: Grade A-
I teamed up with my friend John on this one, and while it’s good, it doesn’t measure up to our past TT Clash of the Titans classics. Still, TT members loved it.
“I like this one a lot… My biceps and shoulders are pretty sore today!” – LeslieM
“I ended up deciding on Extreme Fat loss 3.0 as well and I am really loving it!” – Shawnss711
The name doesn’t lie. It’s extreme. The workouts are long and hard, but extreme results demand extreme fat burning measures. That’s what you are going to get. If you want an epic test of your stamina, give it a try. Warning: You will be sore!
October 2014 – TT Bodyweight 5K Challenge – A+
Here’s the payoff after the Bodyweight Max Reps sacrifice. This is a classic. I loved putting this one together and going through the challenge of the TT Bodyweight 5K. TT client of the year for 2014 had this to say about it:
“Did the TT 5K Workout B bodyweight circuit today. Was gassed and dripping wet with sweat! It was very challenging,” he said, and added this about Workout A that contains a mix of weights and dumbbells, “Got a great sweat on. Even though it was lower body focus I also got a great upper body pump with the push up/ rowing combos!” – Jeremy Roc
“Reminds me of your Bodyweight 500 and 1000 challenges.” – John Magovern
“WOW!!! Great workout. Started this week with Bodyweight 5K Workout. Just when I think there is no way you can make a better session, BAM, you kill me with this… I finished 3 rounds of day 2 in 32min, just did not have the juice to finish. I will finish round 4 Sun. Thanks again for all you do.” – Javarino
Let me know your times on the TT Facebook page.
November 2014 – TT Muscle MRT 2.0 Muscle Mash-up: Special grading below
Take a big serving of this exercise, and a hefty dose of metabolic resistance training rest periods, superset them and put them in a blender, then hit MASH. I twisted this one up in a way that you’ve never ever seen before. It’s so twisted that you might think ol’ Braigz CallEntyne had a hand in putting together something this deliciously evil.
You’ll start with a deceptively difficult Upper Body 500. Then you get some oh-my-goodness muscle mash finishers. Next your heart rate will hit a new personal record in workout B with the Leg Shaker Legacy Finisher. Wowzers. Finally, workout C delivers Meathead-y goodness that any TT Muscle training fan demands. I couldn’t let a Muscle-y workout go by without Meathead day. Enjoy!
Meathead Grade: A+
Normal Person Grade: B+
December 2014 – TT High-Frequency Bodyweight Training: Grade A+++
We saved the best for last in 2014. This bodyweight-only, NO-equipment workout exceeded expectations. I’ll let a TT member justify the A+++ grade.
“Absolutely perfect. Exactly what I was looking for. Almost as if it was custom designed for me! And since you asked, here is what I “was” thinking during the Punisher Squat Maximus on Day 2 …
Round 1 – “hmmm, I’m expending a fair bit more exertion than I had planned for…”
Round 2 – “IT. BURNS.”
Round 3 – “WT*??!! Who can do THIS…??!!!”
Round 4 – “My butt is almost on the floor in the hold position…and my quads think I set my timer for 30 minutes instead of 30 seconds!”
If I can be bold without being arrogant, I am in pretty good shape and my level of fitness is not something I usually question. But, the Punisher Squat Maximus humbled me. From what I saw on paper, I wasn’t expecting that! It was a real, uh, “character builder”… BTW, Day 1 was a great workout too. Thanks again for exceeding expectations!” – Dlove
What a year. Pop the champagne. Let’s celebrate.
I love putting the report card together, but not as much as I love designing a new TT Workout every month. I know you’ll love these, as well as the three workouts I’ve already created for 2015:
1) TT 2K15 – The Fat Loss Challenge Program
2) TT Go Hard-Get Lean 40-Minute Program
3) TT 10×10 Meathead Twist
And just wait till you see what I have in store for the rest of the year. It’s going to be another 12 months of fun, fast, effective fat burning workouts.
You can get them all here – including every NEW workout for the next 12 months:
The Turbulence Training vault has been unlocked for you there.
Dig in and burn fat,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT