My Most Powerful Success Secret
Today I want to share with you the single, most powerful wealth-and-success-building secret I have ever learned. It is a secret you can take advantage of immediately. Learn it today and by tomorrow you could be a distinctly more powerful person. Apply it to your financial goals (and I’ll show…
READ MOREThe Language Perfectionist: The Perfect Blend
You hear and use them every day, perhaps without realizing why they’re special. I’m referring to what linguists call blends: new words created via the marriage of two other words. Familiar words of this type include the computer term bit (binary + digit), brunch (breakfast + lunch), smog (smoke +…
READ MOREThe Food Additive That Fuels Lung Cancer
Familiarizing yourself with the ingredient list on food labels is now more important than ever. While some additives are fairly benign, too many of them can cause significant health problems. Take “inorganic phosphates,” for example, which are used to improve food texture and water retention in processed foods (including meats,…
READ MOREThe Internet Business That Requires NO Website
By George Dahir You may be surprised to know that you can make money online WITHOUT a fancy, content-filled website. But it’s true. Not only that, you don’t need to create any products. Nor do you need a list of prospective customers. Or any employees. Or any experience. You do…
READ MOREThe Best Oil for Your Health (and You’ve Never Heard of It)
If you think all vegetable oil is created equal, think again. In fact, if you’re using the wrong oils in your cooking, you could be aging faster than you should, developing serious hormonal problems, “gumming” up your pipes, and even encouraging cancer. Today, I’d like to introduce you to one…
READ MORE4 Simple Ways to Get People From YouTube to Your Website
Last week, at least 30 people pointed me to a video of an unconventional wedding on YouTube. With pop music blasting in the background, it showed the wedding party (including the bride) dancing down the aisle in an elaborately choreographed routine. Maybe you’ve seen it. It’s gotten more than 8…
READ MOREThe Seeds of a Real Estate Harvest
I grew up in a small farming town in Alberta, Canada. For 17 years, I was surrounded by farmers – and I never met a single one who’d even consider eating his seeds instead of planting them. They just wouldn’t do it. Neither would they harvest a crop early. Yet…
READ MORECreating “Magic Moments” for Others Leads to New Business for You
Let me tell you a little story that illustrates a proven strategy that I use all the time. If you use it, I guarantee it will lead to amazing new revenue opportunities for you. A few months ago, I was in Las Vegas and stayed at the Bellagio hotel. One…
READ MOREThe Backyard Detox
Last week, I was leafing through a natural health publication and couldn’t help but notice that detox foot pads, hydrotherapy, cleansing greens, and detox elixirs filled the majority of the ad spaces. It’s true that our bodies are exposed to more toxins now than ever. And we do need to…
READ MOREAdvice From a 97-Year-Old Champion
“If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything.” So said John Wooden, the Hall of Fame basketball coach for UCLA who won a record 10 NCAA championships. So many people do everything they can to avoid making mistakes – yet mistakes are the corrective feedback we need to…
READ MORE11 Natural Methods for Fighting Anxiety
It seems like I receive at least one e-mail every day from someone asking about herbs that can treat anxiety and help them sleep. As a result of the ongoing recession, this problem has become commonplace. According to a poll by the American Psychological Association, 80 percent of respondents reported…
READ MOREBreak Away From Old Ideas
Highly creative people tend to have fluid, flexible, adaptive minds. You can see it in three statements they commonly make. The first is simply “I was wrong.” Non-creative people are so concerned with being right that all their mental energy is consumed by stonewalling, bluffing, blaming, and denying. If you’re…