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Bootcamp Dispatch

By Jason Holland | 11/9/2009

What do you really need to start building a life-changing amount of wealth? Your 401(k) ain’t gonna do it. Neither is your day job. The 200 aspiring Internet entrepreneurs at Bootcamp know. It was the subject of Michael Masterson’s keynote speech: The Special Theory of Automatic Wealth.


The Best Business in the World

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/9/2009

ETR’s Info-Marketing Bootcamp started last night. And for those of you who couldn’t make it, we’ll be publishing breaking news throughout this week from the conference. Writing those Bootcamp dispatches will be Jason Holland, ETR’s Managing Editor. He’ll be playing the part of roving reporter. (His first dispatch is below.)


The Language Perfectionist: Hot Off the Press

By Don Hauptman | 11/6/2009

Can you spot anything wrong in this sentence? “Also on the front page, just below the Citizen’s masthead, the paper’s publishers added the phrase ‘Belmont’s Only Prize-Winning Newspaper,’ a thinly veiled dig at their hometown competitor, The Belmont Herald.”


An Essential Quality of a Good Leader

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/6/2009

There are basically two ways to get the people who work for you to do what you want. You can bully them into it. Or you can lead them. The bully’s method is initially effective, because it takes advantage of his superior power. But everything changes with time — including…


How Fat Are You… Really?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/6/2009

Did your doctor tell you to lose weight? It may be good advice. Then again, he may have based it on bad science — the outdated Body Mass Index (BMI). Calculated from height and weight, it can be grossly misleading. For example, according to the BMI, Arnold Schwarzenegger in his…


Mastering Human Relationships

By Brian Tracy | 11/6/2009

You get more out of your relationships with others — more easily — by not approaching them directly. It’s because of something called the Law of Indirect Effort. For example, if you want to impress someone, the direct way to do it is to point out your admirable qualities and…


Hard Work or Talent?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/5/2009

I believe there is a direct relationship between hard work and success. Those who work harder achieve more. And that applies equally to individuals, families, ethnic groups, and nations. Yes, talent helps. But talent is not something we can choose. It is given to us, as are so many other…


Who’s Your Marlon Brando?

By John Wood | 11/5/2009

Recently on Turner Classic Movies, I watched a documentary simply titled “Brando.” There was a moment in it that sliced through my heart. It didn’t come from the legendary movie actor himself, though.


Make Life Easier: Find One Thing You Have in Common With Your Foes

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/5/2009

We all have “enemies” — unpleasant individuals we can’t avoid because of work or social obligations. As a general rule, we deal with them by staying away as much as possible. When we must interact, we speak as little as we can. Just the facts and goodbye. However, there’s a…


The Self-Confidence Question

By Peter Fogel | 11/4/2009

I have an entrepreneur friend who is an engaging speaker. He always gets high marks on audience evaluations. On stage, he comes off as quite confident. Watching him, you’d think he was loaded with self-esteem. In fact, the opposite is true. And at a recent presentation, he let his audience…


5 Ways to Make Your Meetings More Productive

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/4/2009

1. Start on time. 2. If there’s someone with a reputation for tardiness without whom the meeting can’t take place, schedule a briefing with him 15 minutes beforehand. If he gets there on time, use that 15 minutes to discuss the big issues. If he’s 15 minutes late, he won’t…


Have You Done That One Great Thing? NO? What Are You Waiting For?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/4/2009

Time passes so damn quickly. And as you get older, it speeds up so much that, if you don’t do something about it, your life will take place without including the person who’s buried deep inside you. You know the person I mean. The dreamer. The bright, starry-eyed optimist who…