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Trying to Drive With Square Wheels

By Brian Edmondson | 09/18/2009

“So far, my website is pretty much identical to the Early to Rise site,” PG told me. PG is one of my coaching students. I had just asked him to tell me about the progress he was making. He had a sign-up box on the top right-hand corner of every…


Search Engine Optimization Is Easy

By Edwin Huertas | 09/17/2009

About a year and a half ago, a family friend started a business selling women’s active wear. She had no website — and no plans to create one. She sold her goods by driving door to door, visiting every gym she could find. She was doing okay. But the time…


The Power of Passion

By Rich Schefren | 09/16/2009

Question: Are you passionate about what you do? Or just passionate about the money you make? I’m going to let you in on a little secret: It’s a lot easier to make money when you’re passionate about what you’re doing. How many people are locked into a job they can’t…


It’s Time Web Marketers Grew Up

By Clayton Makepeace | 09/15/2009

Twenty years ago, if you had told me that one day I’d be able to reach millions of prospective customers without paying a penny in printing, postage, or lettershop fees … and without paying through the nose for print space or TV and radio time … I would have smiled and…


The 6 Stages of Growing an Internet Business

By Bob Bly | 09/11/2009

When you’re building an Internet business, it’s useful to step back and evaluate your progress every now and then. You will be at one of the following levels … Level One: The “getting ready to start” phase. You are spending a lot of time and money buying and studying Internet…


How to Turn Your Pile of Research Into a Seamless Promotional Package

By John Forde | 09/10/2009

Every business is in sales. But not everyone feels comfortable selling. As someone who writes sales copy for a living, that’s worked out great for me. I get hired to craft the persuasive sales pieces that even crack entrepreneurs are sometimes afraid to touch. But what do you do when…


Embracing Your Inner Otter

By Bob Cox | 09/9/2009

Life affords each of us an opportunity for adventure every day. Often, it is simply a matter of embracing the opportunity to advance a goal. Here’s an example of what I mean … For years, I traveled through the entire state of Florida by car for business. As you can…


The Beginning of Wisdom

By Alexander Green | 09/8/2009

I watched in horror as my 11-year-old daughter Hannah plunged 150 feet down Cheakamus Canyon toward the river raging below. My wife Karen and I had both tried to talk her out of it. But she wouldn’t be dissuaded. She wanted to jump. Of course, she was attached to a…


Make Your Business Success Eternal With Double-Barreled Innovation

By Mark Morgan Ford | 09/7/2009

I just got back from a meeting my largest client held for its top brass. Although my role is to provide ideas, I take as many notes as the next guy. One good idea from anyone can mean millions in profits. I’ll be sharing some great business-building ideas with you…


Is There Too Much Competition in Internet Information Marketing?

By Bob Bly | 09/4/2009

Does the idea of selling information products on the Internet appeal to you? It does to GL, one of my subscribers. But she is hesitating about whether to even start. GL is worried that there are already more than enough people hawking e-books, DVDs, and courses on the Internet. “Isn’t…


5 Gateways Into Your Promotion

By Will Newman | 09/3/2009

Most marketers look at a promotion with straight-line logic. They assume all prospects come into it through the headline. And they’re wrong. In fact, a well-planned, well-written promotion has five distinct ways to get prospects involved. These “gateways” are spread throughout the promotion. Each one is specifically designed to catch…


Make Mine Thin Sliced

By David Cross | 09/1/2009

My wife strode across the yard from the chicken coop, clutching our sharpest kitchen knife. A rivulet of red ran down her forearm. Her hands were stained crimson, and a solitary feather stuck to her palm. “Hi, Honey!” she chirped. “I was just seeing whether the new chicks liked strawberries.”…