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Success Leaves Tracks

By Brian Tracy | 05/15/2009

When I began searching for the secrets of success many years ago, I discovered something interesting: Success leaves tracks.


The Best Way to Invest in BRICs, Part 2

By Ted Peroulakis | 05/15/2009

Although the markets of the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) have crashed along with those of the rest of the world, these countries have tremendous growth potential – which could mean investment opportunities for you.


The Best Ways to Invest in BRICs, Part 1

By Ted Peroulakis | 05/14/2009

BRIC is an acronym for the combined economies of Brazil, Russia, India, and China. These developing countries have seen their stock markets plummet along with those of the rest of the world, but now is a great time to invest in them. Their stocks are oversold and they still have high growth potential. Plus, BRICs typically have lower labor and production costs, so companies in other countries are looking into the opportunities they offer for foreign expansion and trade.


The “Be Here NOW” Success Technique

By Bob Cox | 05/14/2009

Recently I observed a training session for one of my business clients. When a couple of the attendees started goofing around, Lisa, the woman running the session, raised her voice and said: “People – this was paid for by your employer. You are on company time, and I intend to maximize the use of that short time we have together. So please work with me and be here now!”


Stretch Like a Tiger

By Matt Furey | 05/14/2009

What you do in the first few minutes of your day sets the tone for the rest of it. That’s why it is important to begin your day with thoughts of happiness, success, great health, and prosperity.


Information Overload: The E-Mail Problem

By Mark Morgan Ford | 05/14/2009

Chris Schroeder – CEO of Health Central Network – bragged at a recent information-publishers’ conference that there were 2,000 items in his RSS feed inbox awaiting his attention. When I read this in an article by Bob Bly, I couldn’t help but shake my head.


How Small Investors Gain Such a Big Advantage Over Wall Street

By Guy Cohen | 05/13/2009

You might think that you and your investments don’t stand a chance against the Wall Street giants. But the fact is, you can gain a big advantage simply by doing one incredibly simple thing:


Where the Best Sales Copy Comes From

By John Carlton | 05/13/2009

People ask me how I’m able to write such gritty, fascinating sales copy. For products and ventures that seem, to the uninitiated eye, so far removed from anything gritty or fascinating.


3 Inside Secrets of Internet Success

By Yanik Silver | 05/13/2009

In a few short months, I was able to achieve the ultimate Internet “fantasy” of making a lot of money from a simple (almost primitive) website that ran virtually on autopilot. Starting from scratch, I banked over $51,351.94 in my first 6.5 months online, just working part-time out of the corner of my living room.


One Simple Rule Is All You Need to Outperform Wall Street

By Guy Cohen | 05/12/2009

In the past 12 months, a rookie investor named Richie has increased his money by over 300 percent, trading with a certain method that he learned in approximately one week.


The Truth About Swine Flu

By Early To Rise | 05/12/2009

The recent outbreak of swine flu (officially called the H1N1 flu) is causing widespread panic and concern. But, as a physician, I feel there is no need for alarm. By all indications, it is no worse than the seasonal influenza A that usually strikes every winter. I did not see many cases of influenza A or B this winter in the Emergency Room, so perhaps “flu season” was just delayed this year.


When Opportunity Knocks

By Paul Lawrence | 05/12/2009

My good friend “Will” speaks fluent Japanese. He lived in Japan for more than 10 years and knows the culture inside out. When he visits, he supplements his income by giving English lessons to the local people.