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What to Do When Your Doctor Tells You Your Triglycerides Are Too High

By Ellison, M.Sc. | 04/22/2009

Like most of us these days, Stan has been focusing on work, work, and more work. Doing so has kept him out of the gym and eating for convenience rather than health. He’s been taking in more calories than he uses, and now his doctor tells him his triglyceride level is too high.


Are You Guilty of Vocabulary Abuse?

By Suzanne Richardson | 04/22/2009

In my brief stint teaching college writing classes, one of the biggest problems I saw among my students was vocabulary abuse.


Boring Is Better

By Edwin Huertas | 04/22/2009

Some of the more “exciting” features of our e-mails were preventing them from reaching our subscribers. (Maybe even you!) So we’ve made a few changes to ETR – to make sure you get it in your inbox every morning. And by making your own e-mails more “boring,” you could see more subscribers receiving and opening them. Which, in the end, should result in more sales.


The Wheels Aren’t Falling Off This Car

By Christian Hill | 04/22/2009

In an industry full of missteps and forced resignations, Hyundai is one company actually headed in the right direction. First off, the economy is playing right into Hyundai’s hands. Long known as a maker of low-priced vehicles, Hyundai in an enviable position. The Sonata is priced roughly $2,000 less than a Toyota Camry, and the Santa Fe SUV is almost $10,000 less than a Toyota RAV4.


Working Toward What You Believe In

By Brian Tracy | 04/20/2009

When you are working progressively, step-by-step, toward something that is important to you, you generate within yourself a continuous feeling of success and achievement.


Your 4 Toughest Competitors in Internet Information Marketing

By Bob Bly | 04/20/2009

There’s a lot of money being made in marketing information products online today. But there’s also a lot of competition – as I’m sure you’ve noticed.


It’s Not Just About Price When Creating Great Real Estate Deals

By Julie Broad | 04/20/2009

Real estate can be an instant wealth creator… as long as you learn a critical lesson about deal making. When my husband and I purchased a duplex, we instantly added $20,000 to our net worth and $500/month positive cash flow to our pockets. And we did it simply by getting to the heart of the seller’s problem and offering a perfect solution.


5 Steps to Overcoming Fear and Getting Rich With Real Estate

By Julie Broad | 04/17/2009

Thanks to low interest rates and increasing rental rates, my husband and I are enjoying more cash flow from our rental properties than ever before. Sure, our properties aren’t worth quite as much as they were last year. But they are still making us money. And because we purchased in desirable areas, we know they will increase in value over time.


Protect Your Most Precious Business Asset

By Jason Holland | 04/17/2009

In business, your name is – at the most basic level – all you’ve got. So whenever you sell anything, you must make sure it is of the highest quality, it is backed up by top-notch customer service, and that you don’t just deliver on all the promises you make in your advertising… you over-deliver. When you do make a mistake (it happens), you must do everything you can, as quickly as you can, to make it right.


Google’s Duplicate Content Penalty

By Howie Jacobson | 04/17/2009

Google doesn’t like twins much. That is to say, Google penalizes Web pages that it deems to be near-exact copies of existing Web pages. It won’t let them appear in search results.


A Powerful Negotiation Tactic That Can Open New Doors

By Paul Lawrence | 04/16/2009

Just the other day, I had a conversation with a television producer regarding a reality TV project of mine that his group is considering developing. “Rob” told me that they are moving into scripted programming in addition to reality TV. And he mentioned that they have a couple of projects they are excited about, but need rewrites.


Speedwriting 101

By Clayton Makepeace | 04/16/2009

Back in The Day, copywriting was a leisurely business – almost a pastoral pursuit. The client’s marketing folks got you on the phone, described the product, told you what they’d tried before and how it’d worked… what they’d been learning and thinking lately… and you brainstormed the themes you might use for a new promo.