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10 Best Practices for Safe Workouts

By Craig Ballantyne | 04/11/2009

When Carrie showed up for her first weight-loss workout with me, she was injured. Only three weeks earlier, she had made up her mind to lose weight. So she started running for 45 minutes per day. But doing so much, so soon was a bad idea for her body, given that she was 20 pounds overweight and hadn’t gone running in years.


A Free Way to Build Your E-Mail List

By Suzanne Richardson | 04/11/2009

As an Internet marketer, your most important possession is your e-mail list – people who have given you permission to contact them.


Finding Happiness and Hope in Tough Times

By Early To Rise | 04/10/2009

Feeling down because of the current state of the economy? Michael Masterson presented a simple way to overcome those feelings of despair in his article “Defeating Depression Before It Defeats You.” ETR readers took comfort in his words. Here’s some of what they had to say:


Let a Little Sunshine Into Your Life

By James B. LaValle | 04/10/2009

When our eyes don’t take in enough sunlight, we can “experience a serious mood change… sleep too much… have little energy… crave sweets and starchy foods… [and] feel depressed,” according to the National Library of Medicine. Studies link those symptoms to low levels of brain chemicals like serotonin and melatonin. Not only do we need sunlight in our eyes to produce those neurotransmitters, we need sunlight on our skin to produce vitamin D.


How to Make Your Product Launch 6 to 11 Times More Successful

By Jeff Walker | 04/10/2009

The Internet has given everyone the chance to become an instant publisher, turning the old model upside-down. With that power has come the opportunity to inject a huge amount of profits and momentum into your business… and you can do it with almost zero budget.


Why I’m Afraid of Bullish PEGs

By Andrew Gordon | 04/10/2009

The PEG ratio compares a stock’s price (as measured by the price-to-earnings ratio or P/E) with its earnings growth. When used correctly, PEG can help you find great companies.


The Power of Pausing

By Brian Tracy | 04/6/2009

Top salespeople ask good questions and listen carefully to the answers. One of the most important listening skills they develop is to simply pause before replying. When the prospect finishes talking, rather than jumping in with the first thing they can think of, they take three to five seconds to…


Is It Time to Buy Real Estate Yet?

By Ted Peroulakis | 04/6/2009

Real estate prices are down substantially, and many foreclosures and short sale opportunities are out there for the picking. We are certainly in a buyer’s market. But is this the time to buy? Or will prices head even lower?


9 Steps to Defeating Depression

By Mark Morgan Ford | 04/6/2009

Of all the many prescriptions for happiness that populate the media these days, the most popular one is also the stupidest. I’m talking about the idea that you can defeat depression by “paying attention to yourself.” The truth is that paying attention to yourself doesn’t make you happy at all.…


What If You Have No Time for Exercise?

By Matt Furey | 04/2/2009

Tuesday morning, I got up early, ironed my clothes, and got mentally prepared for the talk I was to give at an AWAI Web Copywriting event in Austin, Texas…


Home Sweet Home

By Christian Hill | 04/2/2009

My hometown of Detroit has been all over the news recently. Thankfully, it’s been for something other than the transgressions of our former mayor…


7 Steps to Becoming the Best in Your Field

By Mark Morgan Ford | 04/2/2009

To make this year the year you successfully start a profitable business (or make the business you have already started more profitable than ever), resolve to be the smartest person you know about the business you are in.

It’s a bold objective, but it is possible. Here’s how to do it: