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A Technique That Always Works to Win Over the Crowd

By Paul Lawrence | 01/6/2009

Whether it’s speaking to a group of peers at a company meeting, a group of potential clients, or a group of seminar attendees who are there to hear you share your knowledge, being a good public speaker can really pay off.


Is Insomnia Making You Fat?

By Kelley Herring | 01/6/2009

If you’re not getting a good night’s sleep on a regular basis, it may be having a negative effect not only on your energy levels but also on your waistline.

In a study of more than 68,000 women over a…


Rewarding Yourself

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/5/2009

When I was first getting into the business of selling educational programs, a famous zero-down real estate guru asked me, “Do you know the thing people who take my courses want most?”


The Choice Is Yours

By Suzanne Richardson | 01/5/2009

I’d almost given in to a classic sales strategy. Expert copywriter John Forde calls it the “Foregone Conclusion” technique. And you might want to put it to work in your marketing efforts.


A Salmagundi of Errors

By Don Hauptman | 01/3/2009

As I create these columns, I often encounter interesting errata that don’t fit into a specific category. So here’s a potpourri of miscellaneous misuses:


Build Your List with Free, Paid, and Leveraged Traffic

By Brian Edmondson | 01/3/2009

“How do I get more traffic to my website?” “How do I build a list?” “How can I make more money online?” These are three of the most common questions I get from aspiring Internet entrepreneurs, as well as seasoned online professionals.


Say Goodbye to Exercise-Induced Muscle Soreness

By Craig Ballantyne | 01/3/2009

The next time you do a workout, do only one set per exercise (rather than the three sets most workouts call for) – and don’t worry, you’ll still get most of the fat-burning, muscle-building, strength-boosting benefits of a regular full workout. The week after that, add another set and do two sets per exercise. Finally, in the third week, you’ll be ready to do a full three sets of each exercise.


Don’t Let Short-Term Troubles Rule Out Long-Term Investments

By Christian Hill | 01/3/2009

With the markets getting clobbered over the last year, traditional methods for measuring the value of a stock have been thrown out of whack. That doesn’t mean you can’t rely on those indicators, but it does mean you need to keep certain things in mind.


The Ultimate Stress-Reliever

By Jon Benson | 01/2/2009

Research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association examined short bouts of cardiovascular work as compared to longer bouts for weight loss efficacy. And no difference was found between the group that exercised for only 10 minutes, three times a day, and the group that exercised for 30 minutes in the same session.


A Little Post-Christmas Holiday Spirit

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/2/2009

One of the best things about the holiday season is the Christmas spirit. But just because Christmas has passed doesn’t mean you need to give up that joy. To get yourself back into the spirit – and to find some always-needed motivation – check out The Man Who Invented Christmas: How Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol Rescued His Career and Revived Our Holiday Spirits by Les Standiford.


Overcome Writer’s Block Forever

By Charlie Byrne | 01/2/2009

I already knew that Michael Masterson, one of the world’s top copywriters, was on board and heading to the French countryside for the three-day writing conference I was attending. But now I saw John Forde taking a seat beside him. To have Forde presenting at the conference as well as Masterson would be a fabulous extra bonus.


Put a Little Levity in Your Life

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/1/2009

I’ve been writing New Year’s Resolutions for Early to Rise since 2001. In previous years, I’ve recommended that you make resolutions to improve your health, grow your wealth, become a better person, and shake up your personal life. This year, ETR’s experts have resolutions in all those areas that you can put into action.