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Courting Your Ideal Customer

By Howie Jacobson | 05/18/2010

Google AdWords is nothing more or less than a medium for direct marketing. So every now and then, I put away my books about the latest online techniques and reach for the classic texts.

Here’s some of what you can learn from the old masters:

There are three elements to any direct-marketing offer — the offer itself, the creative, and the list.


Are You Amusing Yourself to Death?

By Alexander Green | 05/17/2010

CNBC — and its competitors — will only make you dumber and poorer.

This comes as a surprise to many. After all, financial channels offer a steady stream of well-credentialed experts, men and women with impressive titles from prestigious firms. Most have PhDs, years of experience, or manage large sums of money. They look good. They sound sharp. They have insightful opinions and reams of arcane investment data tripping off their tongues.


How to Write Well: The World’s Simplest Formula

By Mark Morgan Ford | 05/15/2010

My income is based almost entirely on writing. And it has given me a very rich life — rich in every sense of the word. It can do the same for you.

I spend half of my working time coaching copywriters on how to write better marketing copy. I spend the other half writing memos.


The Language Perfectionist: Cringe Binge — New Funny Bloopers

By Don Hauptman | 05/13/2010

I’ve long been fascinated by unintentionally amusing mistakes in the media. For years, I’ve sought and saved such howlers, appending snappy comebacks. I’m now assembling my collection into a book. Below are a few recently culled specimens.


  • Women’s health website: “Diary free lifestyle becomes mandatory for anyone who may be allergic to milk or intolerant to lactose.”

    Success Through Goal Setting

    By Brian Tracy | 05/12/2010

    Becoming an expert at goal setting and goal achieving is something that you absolutely must do if you wish to fulfill your potential as a human being. Goals enable you to do the work you want to do, to live where you want to live, to be with the people you enjoy, and to become the kind of person you want to be.

    Yet, according to the best research, less than 3 percent of Americans have written goals, and less than 1 percent review and rewrite their goals on a regular basis.


    How Bad Marketing Killed a Good Man

    By Drayton Bird | 05/10/2010

    When I got into the mail-order business years ago, it wasn’t something you boasted about. You would be a bit inscrutable when people asked you what your job was. You would mutter something that included the word advertising — so much sexier!

    I recalled this coyness when an old colleague asked me to talk to some to Syracuse University students here in London who are enrolled in a course called Ethical Advertising.

    Most marketers are too busy trying to make a living to worry about whether or not they’re being ethical. But then I came across this quote from Abraham Lincoln that summed up the way I feel about my chosen career: When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad.


    Getting Wealthy From Inflation

    By Mark Morgan Ford | 05/8/2010

    Today, I’m going to tell you how to make a lot of money.

    If you are (a) not happy with the 0.5% return you are getting from your bank account, (b) worried about inflation, or (c) uncertain about the future value of your stocks and bonds, pay attention.

    In fact, you might want to keep this issue of the Journal around so you can thank me later.


    The Language Perfectionist: Can You Be Too Correct?

    By Don Hauptman | 05/6/2010

    English has rules that should be respected. One purpose of this column is to encourage proper use of the language. But a problem sometimes arises: People try to apply a rule with excessive conscientiousness and wind up, ironically, committing another kind of error. This phenomenon is called hypercorrection.


    Why Is This Man Smiling?

    By Bob Irish | 05/6/2010

    Do you recognize this man? It’s Jamie Diamond, the CEO of JPMorgan Chase, and he’s got plenty of reasons to be smiling. His bank still exists because of the taxpayer bailout. So, thanks to you and me, his paycheck last year wasn’t bad. $16 million.


    The Confident Contrarian

    By Early to Rise | 05/5/2010

    Is real estate an “insider’s game” these days? Did so many folks lose their shirts trying to get rich during the Bubble Years that they’ve been scared out of the market forever?

    In his interview with well-known “daredevil real estate artist” Frank McKinney, Jason Holland, managing editor of Early to Rise, gets to the heart of the matter.


    How Specificity Can Help Your Presentation Sparkle!

    By Peter Fogel | 05/4/2010

    As a copywriter, one of the nuggets of wisdom I’ve gotten from Michael Masterson is to be as specific as possible in regards to my targeted prospects’ wants, needs, and desires. The same holds true when giving a speech (or seminar). One of the ways to make yourself a more…


    10 Ways You May Waste Money When Starting a Business

    By Mark Morgan Ford | 05/3/2010

    Here’s just a short list of the misguided (and even ridiculous) business start-up advice I’ve read recently:

    • Create an instant-impact message that describes the chief benefit of your business. Put it on business cards and brochures.

    • Hand out hundreds of those business cards and brochures at business functions and meetings.