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Sell in May and Go Away?

By Ted Peroulakis | 05/25/2009

A common saying on Wall Street is “Sell in May and Go Away” – meaning May’s a good time to sell your stocks and take a vacation from trading because the stock market is going to drop in the summer months.


Cancer Causers and Fighters in Your Diet

By Kelley Herring | 05/23/2009

The foods you eat can make you overweight and prone to disease. But they can also help you stay lean and trim… and keep serious health problems at bay.


The Secret Code of Success

By Noah St. John | 05/23/2009

I had just gotten off the stage at a major marketing conference when the founder of a nationally known software company (you’ve seen their commercials on TV) came up and said something that stopped me in my tracks:


The Worst Quarter Ever

By Andrew Gordon | 05/23/2009

The earning season is drawing to an end. But even before it began, we already knew that a lot of companies were in big trouble. Their dividends told us.


Confusables Redux

By Don Hauptman | 05/23/2009

I never run out of examples of word pairs that are commonly confused.


Just Say No to Sweet Poison

By Melanie Segala | 05/22/2009

As bad as too much sugar is for you, its cousin is even worse. I’m speaking, of course, about high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), the sugary goo that’s been added to soft drinks, salad dressings, cakes, cookies, and cereals for over 30 years. The darling of food manufacturers everywhere, HFCS made its debut as the ideal solution for extending the shelf life and reducing the cost of producing commercially sweetened foods.


When Working on Your Business… Isn’t Actually Working

By Jason Holland | 05/22/2009

When starting a small business, your first steps should be researching your target market, developing a marketing plan, and testing offers. In other words, taking action to turn your business idea into a real business by making sure you can sell your products at a profit.


Get More Bang for Your Buck With E-Minis

By Ted Peroulakis | 05/22/2009

Conventional buy-and-hold stock investing is not working in today’s market. Trading E-Minis is a great alternative, because you can take full advantage of the market’s volatility.


What Products and Services Sell Best in a Recession?

By Bob Bly | 05/22/2009

I recently read in a biography of Milton Hershey that he believed his business was recession-proof and depression-proof because he sold an affordable product. He reasoned that, even if a person couldn’t afford new shoes or a new car or a vacation, they could always afford a nickel for a Hershey’s chocolate bar. (That was the price in those days.)


The Upsetting Side Effects of “Ready, Fire, Aim”

By Suzanne Richardson | 05/21/2009

If you subscribe to Michael Masterson’s “Ready, Fire, Aim” philosophy, you’re no doubt going to notice an unappealing side effect. Sometimes, you’re going to screw up. But don’t be too hard on yourself. Making mistakes – even downright failing – is a part of the learning process that you should…


7 Steps to Your First Website, Subscriber, and Sale

By Brian Edmondson | 05/19/2009

If you could create a steady side income by putting in just a few hours a week, would you do it? Listen, it’s entirely possible – and today I’m going to show you how. I very recently started a new Internet business in a niche market that I am very…


What’s Your Back-Up Plan?

By Bob Bly | 05/16/2009

Most of us think that bad things can never happen… or that they only happen to “the other guy.” But what happens when you become “the other guy”?