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13 Reasons Your 40s are Your Best Decade

By Early To Rise | 07/7/2015

METRO Life doesn’t begin at 40, but in many cases it starts to get a lot easier. You’ve clambered up the greasy career pole, been through the terrors of new parenthood and turned your back on really bad outfits and haircuts. Here’s why your forties are fantastic. 1. People think…


What You Need to Know Today: July 3

By Nick Papple | 07/3/2015

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams + 25 inspiring quotes from Americans to kick off the 4th of July holiday long weekend. Good afternoon, Early Risers! Here’s what you need to know: TECH…


What You Need Instead of Income

By Alex Green | 07/1/2015

The conventional wisdom is that everyone needs income . If you’re like most Americans, you have mortgage payments, car payments, insurance payments, utility payments, credit card payments and perhaps even student loan payments. You wouldn’t survive long in our modern world without income. At least, that’s what most people believe. But that’s actually a…


5 Strategies To Deal With A Horrible Co-Worker

By Early To Rise | 06/29/2015

Careerealism: Warning! horrible co-worker ahead! Every work place has one. That absolutely impossible, difficult, nasty, backbiting individual who makes it his/her personal mission in life to belittle everyone else and make their life a living hell. Usually, people like this are also extremely manipulative and good at managing both HR and their…


The World’s Most Powerful Women 2015

By Mary | 06/26/2015

MSN Money: RANK DETERMINED BY MONEY, MEDIA MOMENTUM, INFLUENCE AND IMPACT. The 2015 Most Powerful Women list features eight heads of state (plus one monarch) who run nations with a combined GDP of $9 trillion and a total population of over 600 million — including the newly elected Polish Prime…


How to Gain a Sense of Your Own Mortality

By Mark Morgan Ford | 06/25/2015

I woke up this morning in pain again. I injured my shoulder wrestling a few weeks ago, and it doesn’t seem to be healing. Certainly not as fast as it would have healed when I was in my 30s.

This is one of the many execrable things that happen to you when you reach 60. But it’s hardly the worst.

productivity tools

9 Free Business Productivity Tools For Startups

By Early To Rise | 06/24/2015

A list of the best free productivity tools for your start up, including,,,, and more.


23 Reasons Why You Will Always Be Poor

By Early To Rise | 06/24/2015

MSN Money: Many North Americans are clearly not experts at managing their own finances and end up broke month after month. The cycle of overspending leaves them poor, even if their income means they are considered well above the poverty line. A third of higher-income households — those that bring…


The One Thing We All Want to Know

By Rachel Macy Stafford | 06/24/2015

I recently attended an informational meeting for fifth grade parents at the middle school my daughter will be attending this fall. After swallowing the lump in my throat caused by the undeniable reality of why I was sitting there, I settled in to absorb everything the staff had to offer…


Addicted to Your Smartphone? 8 Ways to Break Free

By Early to Rise | 06/23/2015

Newsmax Constantly tethered to your smartphone? Experts are waving the red flag. While addition to your favorite portable gadget can be both hard to define and oddly socially acceptable, too much attention to tech can leave you drained and unable to concentrate. Here are eight ways to get your life…


The Most Colorful Places on Earth

By Early to Rise | 06/23/2015

msn travel LUOPING COUNTY, CHINA Once a year, China’s Luoping County transforms into a seemingly endless sea of yellow flowers. The bright fields of canola (the plants that make the cooking oil of the same name) bloom in February and March, giving the area of Yunnan an undeniably sunny feel…


The Only 5 Interview Questions That Really Matter and How to Answer Them

By Dr. Travis Bradberry | 06/23/2015

msn money Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and founder of Facebook, describes his hiring process this way: I will only hire someone to work directly for me if I would work directly for that person. Zuckerberg’s comment illustrates an overlooked, yet fundamental, truth about hiring—people are ultimately looking for someone they want…