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The Language Perfectionist: Dogging the Wag

By Don Hauptman | 03/4/2011

As readers of this column know, I have a habit of searching for errors and anomalies in the media, adding my own puckish retorts, and preserving the results for posterity. Below is a fresh collection of recent bloopers and mischievous rejoinders. This set originally appeared in Word Ways, “The Journal…


7 Ways to Spot a True Sense of Urgency

By Mary Ellen Tribby | 03/4/2011

“I can’t believe she just gave up,” commented my doubles partner Fran. All I could say at the time was, “It is so incredibly sad.” It went down like this… We were at three-all in the first set of our tennis match. We broke our opponents and took the lead…


What We Don’t Like

By Jason Holland | 03/4/2011

Social media is the buzzword these days for online marketers. But most gurus in this field want you to trust that a few Facebook friends or “tweets” will magically transform your business.


Follow the Leader?

By Harvey Mackay | 03/3/2011

The kindergarten teacher handed out a coloring sheet and gave what she considered to be simple instructions: Color the duck yellow and the duck’s umbrella green. But when little Betsy turned in her paper, the teacher asked, “Didn’t you understand the directions, Betsy? You colored the duck red and her…


Knowledge Redeployment

By Robert Ringer | 03/2/2011

My first love is learning, which is why I keep my brain on autopilot when it comes to absorbing everything around me and extracting lessons from what I see and hear. It borders on an addiction. Extracting knowledge, however, is not enough. You must be able to apply what you’ve…


More Water Through Technology

By Christian Hill | 03/1/2011

Yesterday, I discussed the pressures being put on the global supply of fresh water. Nearly 1 billion people don’t have access to clean drinking water – and as the world’s population grows, the situation will only get worse. A growing population also means more mouths to feed, and the need…


The Next Oil

By Christian Hill | 02/28/2011

Boutros Boutros-Ghali’s statement that the wars of the 21st century will be fought over water may strike you as absurd. Perhaps ridiculous. After all, most wars of the 20th century were fought over oil. And our appetite for oil hasn’t slowed. All indications are that demand will rise 25% in…


The Language Perfectionist: It’s Personal!

By Early To Rise | 02/25/2011

Can you spot anything wrong with the following three sentences, all found via online search? “I personally can’t see us not doing any more shows again.” “Personally, I prefer to write about literature, but, yes, I recognize that these sorts of entries are the bread and butter of this blog.”…


Eliminate Fuzzy Thinking Forever

By Rich Schefren | 02/25/2011

Lacking confidence… Feeling unsure about what you should do next… Jumping from one marketing strategy to another… Being unclear about when you’ll reach your business goals… All of these issues (and many more) can be traced back to one of the biggest challenges struggling entrepreneurs face: a lack of focus.…


Time to Turn Lemons Into Lemonade!

By Clayton Makepeace | 02/24/2011

So let me tell you a true story… The year was 1976, and life was NOT good in America. And it wasn’t just because disco was king and we suddenly found ourselves sporting silly-looking leisure suits. America’s name was being dragged through the dirt worldwide. In the preceding 24 months,…


How to Write Sales Copy

By Craig Ballantyne | 02/22/2011

Amazon makes a lot of money off me with all of the books I buy, but it is always money well spent. I recently read a great business book, “The Richest Man in Town” (RMIT). In RMIT, the author interviews the richest person in 50 of America’s largest cities, and…


A Different Approach to the Import-Export Game

By Jason Holland | 02/21/2011

In my recent essays in ETR on starting your own import-export business, I’ve focused on the business-to-consumer track. You find suppliers and manufacturers, buy their products for pennies on the dollar, and resell them online to customers in the U.S. (or Europe, South America… wherever you live) at a huge…