3 carbs NOT to eat
I have to laugh at this. Every time. It’s ridiculous.
Have you ever been told that “fruit makes you fat“?
It is such a joke. I mean really, have you EVER met an obese person that got that way from too many bananas? I know that I’ve never seen a fat gorilla (and don’t they love bananas?) – or any other wild carb-loving animal that got fat from eating too much fruit.
The truth is that you don’t get fat from eating fruit. Ever.
So what carbs are bad?
Well, here’s what my friend and nutrition guru Shaun Hadsall has to say:
“Most folks don’t even realize that today’s modern wheat is TOTALLY different from the wheat our ancestors ate, or even the wheat your mom and grandma used to eat.
In fact, research is now showing that just two slices of whole wheat bread can increase blood sugar MORE than than 2 tablespoons of pure cane sugar.
That leads to belly fat.
1) Avoid all processed flour products, plus, avoid any whole-wheat products, too. It’s just not worth it because they just make you tired, bloated, and fat.
2) Most dairy products (like fruit at the bottom yogurt) and even almond milks are loaded with sugar (remember that “cane syrup” is a fancy way of saying sugar!) fillers, hidden chemicals, and poor quality protein.
Your best dairy sources are Cottage cheese, BioTrust protein, and Greek yogurt, but again, watch out for hidden sugars and preservatives in yogurt.
3) Go easy on roasted nuts…you still get fiber, BUT the roasting process basically destroys the “good” fats.
I could go on and on, but hopefully you get the point. Today’s food is designed to be fast and convenient, and is loaded with sugar and salt to make you eat more.
As a result, the nutrient quality is not only poor…and it can be downright dangerous for your health. I’m not trying to scare you…I’m just trying to raise your level of awareness, and knowing is half the battle.” – Shaun Hadsall
Thanks Shaun, great points!
Shaun knows more about nutrition for fat loss than 99% of the other guru’s out there. After all, he’s helped tens of thousands of people with his proven programs, and he’s still sporting 6-pack abs in his early 40′s. He LIVES by example, just like we do here at Turbulence Training.
That’s why I STRONGLY recommend Shaun’s fat loss nutrition system that is PERFECT for Carb Lovers. And it’s on sale for a whopping 62% OFF the normal price to celebrate it’s new release. But this ends TONIGHT. Get it here:
==> The Carb Lovers BluePrint + 3 THREE Rapid Fat-Loss Bonuses
Remember, the price doubles at midnight and the *free* rapid-fat loss bonuses disappear for good – so take action now.
And eat some fruit for fat loss,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Don’t forget…
…ol’ CB is giving away three awesome workouts for all Carb Lovers.
Get these as my free gift to you when you get Shaun’s program here