3 Extreme Productivity Tips

Now that we’re more than halfway through the year, you’ve probably realized that you need more ways to get better results, faster, if you want to achieve your goals.
To help you achieve these objectives and to start the third quarter with a bang, I’ve put together three tips on how to fast track results, and avoid feeling like your day and life has slipped away without accomplishing much.
Let’s get at it…
1. Get Serious About Productivity
If you are going to achieve extreme productivity, it has to be top of mind awareness at all times and you must ensure your behavior is congruent.
You can disagree strenuously with the following aggressive statements, but eventually you will come to understand you have no choice but to accept them as reality.
You will become rich only when you get serious about becoming rich and not one second sooner.
Until you get serious about getting rich by developing a plan and executing your plan consistently, you will forever remain in the situation you are in.
You will get in great physical shape, only after you get serious about getting in great physical shape, and not one second sooner.
Until you make the decision to get in shape, you will continue to suffer the consequences of obesity, high cholesterol and poor fitting clothing.
You will create more, better and faster results in all areas of your life and career only after you decide to get serious about productivity.
Until you choose to focus on driving more, better, faster results your performance will be inconsistent, lackluster, and your opportunities will be limited.
2. Respect Your Time
To get this point across, allow me to focus on myself.
Time is always on my mind. It’s never far from my line of sight, because I have strategically placed four clocks around the room and can’t look in any direction without seeing one.
I organize everything with start and pre-determined end times. If someone has an in person or phone appointment with me, they know in advance when it ends, not just when it starts.
I have trained and conditioned myself to be hyper-sensitive to time, and I want to train my clients to respect my hyper-sensitivity. Why?
Because your bank balance and your satisfaction or dissatisfaction with it is more a reflection of how you invest your time than a reflection of anything else.
Time is an unrecoverable asset as well as the most dominant factor in creating wealth or relative poverty, success or failure, fulfillment or frustration.
My primary area of specialization is helping people convert “intention/goals into results – fast”, and everything I do and share with you is laser-focused on that idea.
But the truth is, your ability to be successful in any endeavor is sabotaged or supported by how much control you exercise over the investment, direction, and consumption of your time and, with it, your energy and creativity.
The surest way to be unsuccessful is to be casual about time.
3. Execute Fast
You and your job exists to add value and create results.
The key is determining the precise results you are expected to deliver, by when, and to whom.
If the real objective is to create more, better and faster results, than you must get serious about speed and execution.
The following are a number of compelling reasons why you should start each day fast and use speed of execution to your advantage.
– Slow Costs More. Every second or minute you can take out of a process or activity such as closing a sale, manufacturing a product, and customer response time, saves you time and makes you more money.
– Speed is Sexy. Speed is the ultimate customer turn on. Everyone is short of time. We all dislike delays, long lines, out-of-stocks, and waiting on hold. We love finding what we want and getting back to work (or play) fast. And we’ll pay for speed.
– Speed is Impossible to Ignore. Speed brings with it a reputation of confidence, clarity of purpose, and execution. Once you develop a reputation for speed, both people and opportunities will seek you out.
– Speed Trumps Size. In today’s world, the old rules no longer apply. It’s not the big that eats the small; it’s the fast that eat the slow.
Let me be perfectly clear about this, to create more, better, faster results in a highly competitive world, you must get serious about making productivity your top priority, you must place greater
value on your time, and you must execute with speed and conviction.
These are all foundational principles of the 100 Day Challenge which just opened for enrollment.
I created the 100 Day Challenge to show you how to CRUSH YOUR THIRD QUARTER GOALS, and get more done in 100 days than most people do over the course of 10 years.
That’s a bold yet true statement, as many people have made extraordinary productivity gains as a result of participating. And you can too!
Use this code to save $25 on enrollment.
Group Code: victory122
Everything Counts!
Gary Ryan Blair
P.S. Be mindful as the first half of the year is almost complete, and if you are already behind target and choose not to adopt better execution strategies, the consequences of inaction will be extreme, dramatic and negatively impactful to your future.
See why more than 400,000 people around the world love this extraordinary program.
Use this code to save $25 on enrollment.
Group Code: victory122
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[About the Author: Gary Ryan Blair helps business owners, corporate executives and sales professionals manage their time, set their priorities, and stay focused so they can achieve their goals, grow their business, enjoy more success and greater freedom. Click here to join Gary Ryan Blair’s 100 Day Challenge so you can make big changes in your life.]