3 Secrets To Drop 3 Pant Sizes In 30 Days
![Water for Fat-Loss](https://cdn.earlytorise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/water-1024x533.jpg)
You can probably relate to this…
… as our parents age we’re spending more and more time helping them through sickness and big life transitions.
Of course, that causes a lot of stress on us, takes up a lot of our time, and interferes with your weight loss, right? You get tempted to grab junk food on the go, you almost miss out on exercise because of your busy schedule, and you don’t get the sleep you need.
Sound familiar? That’s what it was like for me when my father was sick years ago… but it doesn’t have to stop you from getting back in shape.
Take a look at this powerful story from one of our private coaching clients… Robin was the ROCK for her family during the final days of her mother’s life, and yet thanks to the simple steps below, she was still able to lose weight during these troubled times…
“This is going to sound so comparatively trivial given everything else I’ve had going on — but I just slid into a pair of jeans that definitely did NOT fit a month ago,” she wrote to our group.
“This is a true testament to what Missi and Craig have taught me (as well as the support of this amazing group!). I began this adventure with them in January with total skepticism. I’m built small at 5 foot 2,” but had bloated out to a size 10-12. I am now back to around a 4-6. This has occurred in the setting of husband and 3 kids, insane work schedule, and upheaval of life with sudden death of my Mom.”
![Robin p. transformation challenge](https://maropost.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/account_223/64727/Robin_P._Transformation_Challenge.png)
What’s Robin’s secret? It’s NOT a starvation diet!
“I don’t eat perfectly. But I don’t count calories either. I very intentionally work out and/or move daily and eat real food. Planning is still a pain, but I’m listening and trusting my own internal cues in a way that I don’t ever remember being able to do before. I am so very very blessed and grateful beyond words.”
What a heartwarming story.
It’s so wonderful to know that no matter what YOU are going through, that there can be a HAPPY ending for you and your health, wellness, and weight loss journey when you put these three secrets into place.
So if you want to lose weight at any age, no matter how busy you are, and no matter how stressful your life, start using these three secrets today…
Secret #1 – Use a food journal
It is easy to get caught up in the latest “weight loss craze,” but it is essential for you to never stray too far from the basics. Use a food journal.
Men’s Health magazine reported that people who use a food journal lose 3 more pounds than other people that are even on the same diet!
And here’s a 21st-century food journal trick. A recent study found that if you take photos of your meals, this also works to help you lose fat faster. (Bonus points for posting them online.)
Now that’s a sneaky, no-time trick that works. Use it to lose it today!
Secret #2 – Use short, burst, intentional exercises
I love how Robin described her workouts – “Intentional.” She uses the short workouts that I’ve created. They don’t require any equipment but you can do them in minutes in the comfort of your own home, even if you are wearing your pajamas. Just get up and go!
Alternate between one of my unique lower body exercises, an upper body exercise, and a total-body abs exercise (like Spiderman Climbs or Rocking Planks). Do that circuit for 4 to 10 minutes and you’ll kick that stubborn belly fat to the curb… and fit back into your old pants, like Robin.
Secret #3 – Drink yourself thin
Researchers at Virginia Tech University discovered that simply drinking 2 cups of water before a meal helps you lose weight faster.
But here’s an even better – and more delicious – trick. Mix one scoop of protein powder with water (or even almond milk) and drink this 30-minutes before dinner.
You’ll eat less, satisfy your sweet tooth, and give your body the fat-burning protein that it needs.
This is a PROVEN way to overcome sugar cravings.
But wait, there’s more… me and my team recently discovered another nighttime nutrient that allows you to lose weight thanks to better sleep. I’ll you about that tonight before you go to bed.
We’ve been studying the REAL reasons why women over 40 struggle with their weight more than anyone else at any other age.
I see it all the time…
Women over 40 work are working so much harder than ANYONE else yet nothing is ever changing in their bodies…
And when I realized that no other fitness expert was talking about the REAL reason women over 40 struggle so much to lose weight it really ticked me off!
Watch your email tonight for a cool new nutrient-timing tip to help you lose that stubborn belly fat – and look and feel years younger.
Taking care of you,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Choose wisely.
Peak performance comes at a cost. You can’t be elite at everything. You must pick your top priority and focus on it. You have a destiny. Do not fight it. Embrace it. Love it. Live it. Meet it.