3 Step Simple Nutrition Plan

You’re getting two great free gifts today. First, a free workout video. If you haven’t tried this already, you absolutely must give this a try. Kick cardio to the curb and use this instead:
Friday Free Follow-Along Workout Video with Craig <= NO cardio
Once you are done the workout, follow my:
Simple 3 Step Nutrition Plan
I ask all of my clients to follow this because it is a guaranteed way to start losing weight fast without measuring your foods or anything annoying.
Step #1) Figure Out Your Past
Use the free website called Fitday.com to estimate your calorie intake. You will enter your foods that you eat and it will tell you how many calories, and how much protein, carbohydrate and fat you are eating. Once you know how many calories you are eating, there are two things you can do.
Step #2) Improve Your Present
You must improve the quality of the food you eat because that will decrease the quantity of bad food that you eat.
That’s a fancy way of saying you will lose weight if you eat less.
But seriously, you need to get rid of foods like breads, donuts, candy bars, sodas, and other processed carbohydrates and replace those calories with delicious protein sources (steak, chicken, bacon, BioTrust protein powder, eggs, smoked salmon, etc.), fruits, vegetables, and nuts (and delicious nut butters). By doing this you will eat fewer calories and burn fat.
That alone can help someone lose 10 pounds in 21 days, but since you want to lose weight faster, you’ll need to cut your calories as well.
Step #3) Fix Your Future
Take your calorie intake found in Step #1 and decrease that by just 10%. By combining this step with improving the quality of your diet, you’ll easily be able to make this simple change.
Making these changes can help you lose 5 pounds in one week, and you might even lose 20 pounds in 8 weeks. Changing your diet is that effective and fast…especially when you combine it with this free workout:
Friday Free Follow-Along Workout Video with Craig <= NO cardio
Enjoy these fat loss freebies,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Check out this amazing comment from…
…TT Facebook Fan, Patricia Davies. She said:
“Been following Turbulence Training and Mr. B. and am seeing results. Have lost 10 pounds over the last three months….we got this!!!!“
PPS – Remember this advice all weekend long…
You must identify the biggest temptations and vices in your days that suck time and energy from your life.
First, make a plan to remove them.
Second, come up with two solutions for each if they cannot be eliminated.
Third, get accountability from a friend to help you overcome the situations in life where the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
Stay strong, my friend, and keep on pushing on.
Never give up on what is important to YOU!