3 Steps To Get Exactly What You Want Online

I love it when a plan comes together…just follow these 3 steps, as outlined by our good friend, Bedros, and you’ll be up and running and making tons of sales in the next 30 days. Start 2015 right with this plan. – Craig
3 Steps to Create, Launch, and Sell your Info Product Online
By Bedros Keuilian
“Everybody wanna be a bodybuilder, but ain’t no one want to lift the heavy ass weight… I do it though!” – Ronnie Coleman
Ronnie Coleman had it right. And the same thing can be said about info marketing…Everybody wants to have an info product, but ain’t no one want to put the effort into creating that content!
But I think that every expert – like YOU – has at least one really good idea for an info product that can be marketed online to help hundreds of thousands of people change their lives.
The problem is that most people go about creating an info product all wrong.
See, most people think that the hardest part is creating the product itself.
They’re WRONG.
The truth is, the real effort is in the marketing and selling of the product, not the creation. In fact, you should be able to finish your awesome info product in one or two weekends. Even if your product is going to be videos… you can still knock it out in short order. Rent a hotel conference room and hire a cheap college student videographer/editor and just do it!
It’s that easy.
Frankly, the whole thing is simple – if you are passionate about the solution you have for people’s problems.
That’s the secret to creating a successful online info product: PASSION.
Here’s a recent case study for you…
My wife Diana has a blog called RealHealthyRecipes.com, and for the last four years she had been posting a recipe or two each week. Each delicious recipe was grain free, dairy free, and cane sugar free – basically they’re really awesome Paleo recipes that taste amazing!
Believe it or not, she had no interest in creating an info product… she did what she did because she loves doing it. It’s her PASSION.
In fact, it wasn’t until last year that I was able to convince her to add an opt-in on her blog, just in case she ever thought about selling an info product (she could actually have an email list to market it to).
And then, the good ‘ol Godfather, Craig Ballantyne, encouraged Di to create an info product. Within 60 days she had a 110 healthy recipe cookbook, 8 weeks of meal plans, an up-sell and sales copy done, on the web, and ready to sell. She announced her product to her email list and on her fan page and in the 30 days that followed she sold 752 copies of her program – $14,644.00 in cash into her Clickbank account.
Product idea to over $14,000 in sales in 90 days.
But that was NOTHING compared to the 20,000+ copies of her REAL cookbook that she sold earlier this month. Her business keeps growing and growing by leaps and bounds because she is so PASSIONATE about her solution, just like YOU are about yours.
You are a passionate Go-Giver. You deserve the same level of success as my wife, as our friend Joel Marion, as our coaching clients Rick Kaselj, Maria Mountain, Sylvia Favela, and dozens of the other good men and women in our Mastermind group.
So what are the 3 steps to creating and selling an info product online?
1. Create a product or program that you’re passionate about.
Choose a topic that you love, know about, and would talk and write about for free simply because it’s what you’re into, what you believe in, and what you care about. This will shine through in your content and make it easier for people to know, like, and trust you. That’s the key to sales.
2. Figure out what problem your product solves and craft your sales copy and marketing message around that “big idea”.
What’s the big benefit of your product, the problem it solves, and how is it different than any other solutions out there?
You MUST be different. Find a way. Or just ask me and B, we’ll figure out an awesome idea that separates you from the rest of the pack. That’s the Midas touch we’ve had with Shawna Kaminski, Mikey Whitfield, and many others.
3. Drive traffic to your sales page though your email list, Facebook fans, and through affiliate traffic.
Now, obviously you need to know how to write sales copy. And it would help if you knew how to drive FREE traffic from Facebook, YouTube, and the top search engines to your blog so that you could build a list.
Having an email list is one thing… knowing how to write to it each week and craft emails that move people to action is another.
That’s what Craig and I teach to our Info Mastermind. And from time to time we’ll hold 1-day mastermind events where we’ll teach a group of 8-10 experts the entire step-by-step process for creating a VERY successful online info marketing business.
Your next chance to make it to a 1-day VIP Info mastermind meetings..
…is Wednesday January 7th in beautiful Miami, Florida. That’s Craig’s favorite city, and so he’ll be extra fired up with amazing headline ideas and ways to differentiate your business from everyone else.
Consider this your personal invitation to join us.
Since most of our masterminds in 2014 sold out in record time, a lot of our readers didn’t have a chance to get in, so we’re keeping this one priced at half off to give you a nice Christmas deal.
If you’re one of the lucky ones to make it to Miami with myself and ‘ol Craiggy then you can come to this one day info mastermind meeting for just $997 instead of the $1997 we normally change for a day of consulting.
You’ll get our entire Product Launch Blueprint (with nearly done-for-you emails, affiliate recruitment scripts, and how to do a 5-figure 3-day promo).
You’ll have everything you need to create & launch your info product within 30 days of the Mastermind (if not 14 days <= for fast action takers).
We’ll share whats working in our business…
– How we’re getting leads for pennies (& making money doing it!)
– Our best resources for web design
– The best performing headlines and email subject lines
– Our easy to follow three-step copy writing secret
– How to come up with the best up-sells and price points for your product
– The BEST technology solutions we use to build our email lists, shopping carts, and to identify the best online customers in our business
….and you also get a bunch of other really smart online marketing tactics and strategies that no one else is using right now – giving you the ultimate edge to launch your product and get EXACTLY what you want in 2015.
To join us in Miami just email my assistant Joan at Joan@Keuilian.com and let her know you want to join us in Miami. She’ll ask you a few questions to make sure that the Mastermind is right for you, and if it is she’ll get you registered to join Craig and I in Miami on Wednesday, January 7th.
Committed to your success,
Bedros Keuilian
Awesome article, B!
See you in Miami,
Craig Ballantyne
“To get something you’ve never had, you must do something you’ve never done.” – #truth