30 Minute Turbulence Training Workout

In my advanced muscle building and fat burning program called Turbulence Training, you get 30-minute follow along workout videos that use dumbbells and bodyweight exercises to help you rapidly change your body and get back into amazing shape.
Here’s how just one of the workouts goes…and you get a full 16-weeks of advanced fat burning video programs in TT 2.0.
TT Workout C – Advanced Phase 1
– Go through this warm-up circuit 2 times with no rest between exercises.
– Rest 20 seconds between circuits.
A) Y-Squat – 20 seconds
B) Close-grip Pushup – 20 seconds
C) Prisoner Split Squat – 20 seconds per side
Main Workout
1A) Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swing or Total Body Extension – 40 seconds
– 20 seconds rest/transition
1B) Spiderman Pushup (alternating sides) or Regular Pushups – 40 seconds
– 20 seconds rest/transition
1C) Bodyweight Row (with Feet Elevated if possible) – 40 seconds
– 20 seconds rest/transition
1D) Goblet Switch Lunge – 40 seconds per side
– Rest 20 seconds and repeat the circuit 1 more time for a total of 2 circuits.
2A) Front Squat or Goblet Squat – 40 seconds
– 20 seconds rest/transition
2B) DB Squeeze Chest Press – 40 seconds (with a 3 second lowering phase)
– 20 seconds rest/transition
2C) DB Renegade Row (alternating sides) – 40 seconds
– Rest 20 seconds and repeat the circuit 2 more times for a total of 3 circuits.
3A) Prisoner Squat Jump or Total Body Extension – 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds
3B) Suspension Bodysaw – 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds
3C) Prisoner Squat Jump or Total Body Extension – 20 on, 10 off x 2 rounds
All of the Turbulence Training workouts come with follow-along videos. You’ll do each session with me. It was a LOT of work to film these videos, but a lot of fun too. I can’t wait to “show up” at your place and take you through these workouts.
You can get the Turbulence Training 2.0 workout videos here
Let me take you through these fat burning workouts,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – My favorite part about the videos is…
…the motivation that the program delivers. Working out with me, taking you through every exercise and repetition is like me being in your house and giving you a daily motivational quote like this:
No matter the struggles, dips, or obstacles in your way, you must never stop pursuing what is important to you. Always keep moving ahead. Take time today to recover and refresh your energy levels, and renew your commitment to the matters that matter to you.
Get the Turbulence Training 2.0 workout videos here
You will be motivated and inspired to finally lose that stubborn belly fat.