Stop the Insanity!

I love my wife.
Because while in many ways we’re the same…
In some other ways we’re so different.
Particularly when it comes to adventure.
For me, a wild and crazy time is sitting in a different chair while I work. (“Oh wow, this is what it looks like from the other side of the kitchen table. Cool.”)
But Michelle is the Queen of Adventure.
She loves dragging me out the house and going to waterparks, roller coasters, Vegas shows, Costa Rica for 48 hours, etc.
All of these – of course – end up being amazing memories and totally worth leaving my little bubble.
So in classic Michelle fashion…
Baby Jack’s not even here yet and she has already booked herself in for the Rock’n’Roll half-marathon in Vegas for next February.
And she’s booked our family of 5 (with 3 under 3!) on a trip to Lake Como and Monaco after next May’s Mastermind.
But that’s not the coolest thing about the big trip… I’ll leave that fun fact for the end of today’s update.
For now, we gotta get serious.
I also must tell you that if you want to grow your business and get bigger checks from clients all while working less, then you have to stop being so INSANE.
“The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.”
How many times have you said that to someone?
And yet…
If I were to look at your business plan for the rest of 2024…
How much different would it be than your business plan for 2023? And 2022? And 2021?
It’d probably be same-same, or maybe incrementally “more”.
So if you made a million last year, and your goal is $1.1 million next year…
That means you won’t be asking the right questions… and growth will be hard.
You see there’s a bit of a paradox here…
Aiming for incremental change is inefficient… and often ineffective.
When you aim for incremental…
You ask the same questions. You get the same answers. You get the same results.
You end up “struckling”.
Spinning your wheels.
Frustrated knowing that “you should be so much further ahead.”
Unfortunately, most people don’t use the frustration to fuel a new way of thinking.
They just go back to banging their head against the wall of “aiming for incrementally more”.
Same questions. Same answers. Same results. Same feelings of frustration.
But if you want radically different results, you must ask radically different questions.
That’s the argument Dan Sullivan and Ben Hardy make in their book 10X is Easier than 2X…
Here are the book’s 3 most highlighted quotes from Kindle readers:
“The only way to make your present better is by making your future bigger.”
“Going for 10x requires letting go of 80 percent of your current life and focus and going all-in on the crucial 20 percent that’s relevant and high-impact.”
“Going 10x means living based on the most intrinsic and exciting future you can imagine. That 10x future becomes your filter for everything you do, and most of your current life can’t make it through that 10x filter. What got you here won’t get you there. Every next level of your life requires a different you.”
So you have a choice…
10X or More Insanity.
“To get something you’ve never had you must do things you’ve never done.”
If you want dramatically different results, you must ask dramatically different questions.
Some homework for you…
Start thinking about…
- What would have to change if you had to make 10X’s more money?
- What would have to change if you wanted to charge $50,000 instead of $5,000?
- What would have to change if you had to double your income but work half the hours?
- What would have to change if you wanted to sell 100,000 copies of your book – not just 1,000?
These are tough.
In most cases, you won’t even know where to start.
That’s why I’m spending a LOT of time coaching you through this at the Miami Mastermind.
I usually do just a single presentation at the Mastermind event…
This time, I’m doing three sessions over the two days (4 total hours)…
Plus, interviewing two entrepreneurs who run 9-Figure businesses with billions of dollars in assets…
Going deeper and deeper into expanding your mind and possibilities…
So that not only can you make the rest of the year the best of the year…
But so that you get on the road to 10X’ing your business, income, and freedom in 2025.
If you don’t already have your spot for Miami…
Email today to reserve your seat.
It’s going to be our most advanced event ever for accelerating your business and personal growth.
But don’t just take it from me… Here’s what our top clients are saying about our last event…
“Craig, the connections at your Mastermind are amazing. Hanging with other high performers that have gone through the same ups and downs is very important because being an entrepreneur can feel like living on a Lonely Island. Normal people just don’t understand. But thanks to the Mastermind connections I’ve been hired to speak at events in Vegas, California, and Spain (and Dubai is next!). Your Masterminds are a NO Brainer. I’m bringing the heat to Miami as the standard (Nod to Daniel) was set HIGH.” – Joe Marcoux
“For me the biggest takeaway was how Bedros trained his future leaders – that has had a MASSIVE impact on my business. It has already improved our culture and helps us get stuff done faster. I also wanted to say a huge thank you for everything you do. You have had a huge impact on my career and life to date.” – Charlie Johnson, who traveled all the way from Dubai
Watch this video from Charlie & Joe
“Your California Mastermind was your best event ever. Jason Capital’s copywriting framework was really good. Sharron was amazing, I probably had 3 pages of nuggets from that one. And I’m glad Bedros did an open Q&A. That was refreshing as I’ve heard most of his motivational talk.” – Frank Den Blanken, who traveled from Europe
“Your Mastermind was awesome. What stuck with me was the amazing connections. I met so many cool founders and they were genuinely interested in what we’re doing at my company. It wasn’t just about business, though—the vibe was incredibly warm and welcoming. I felt like I’d known those people for years! Everyone there, from the speakers to the other attendees, was all about lifting each other up. I got tons of value for my business but also grew a ton personally.” – Laith Masarweh,
“The connections that you make at a Mastermind event are priceless. Breaking bread with Bedros Keuilian at the California Mastermind event was not on my bingo card for 2024. But there we were eating steak and talking about business development and growth goals. I have built lasting connections outside of these Masterminds with other entrepreneurs and we have built an ongoing community of support. No lonely entrepreneur island here! Every single speaker and attendee at one of Craig’s Mastermind events (and I have been to 4!) freely shares their knowledge. It is hard to believe until you see it in action. Connecting over a meal, grabbing a few minutes to huddle in the lobby, exchanging social accounts to keep in touch afterwards – THIS is what makes these events different from the others. And that is why I am a Mastermind believer. Since attending these events and working with Craig, my bottom line revenue has increased exponentially and I have hired and delegated to gain more free time and reduce my stress. (My doc is breathing a sigh of relief!) My goal has always been to achieve more freedom – and that is what I have.” – Anne Laguzza
Do not miss out on our next Mastermind on Sept 11-13 in Miami – details here
See you soon in South Beach!