4-Minute Belly Fat Burner

Wow. What a weekend! Over 70 TT Trainers from as far as Australia and Malaysia (and all over the United States, of course) joined us in Denver for amazing workouts (like the one below) and motivation.
We met Todd Arnoldi, the Grand Prize winner of our 25th TT Transformation Contest. Todd lost 75 pounds in 12 weeks earlier this year, and he’s lost more since, and he became TT Certified on Sunday.
Now he’s helping other people to overcome all odds, lose weight and get back in shape at any age. I’m so proud of him and his trainer, Brent Neevel, CTT, from Sheboygan, Wisconsin.

Nestor Flores, me, Ali Fox Me with Kate, Sabrina, Paul, Dani, & MikeOn Friday and Saturday mornings, we had top TT Trainers, like Daniel Woodrum, Missi Holt, and Nisan Trotter taking us through fun, fast, and exciting bootcamp workouts (like this 4-minute fat burner).
Beginner 4-Minute Fat Burner
– Do each exercise for 45 seconds and rest 15 seconds before the next exercise.
– Repeat the 4-minute circuit no more than 3 times in a day.
1A) Bodyweight Squat (arms held at shoulder height)
1B) Kneeling Pushup (take 5 seconds to lower your chest to ground)
1C) Prisoner Squat (keep those elbows back!)
1D) Total Body Extension (drive those arms up)
Advanced 6-Minute Fat Burner
– Do each exercise for 45 seconds and rest 15 seconds before the next exercise.
– Repeat the 6-minute circuit no more than 3 times in a day.
1A) Bodyweight Squat (arms held at shoulder height)
1B) Decline Pushup or Regular Pushup
1C) Prisoner Squat Jump (land with your knees slightly bent)
1D) Total Body Extension (hold the bottom position for the 15-second rest period)
1E) Cross-Body Mountain Climber (keep your abs braced hard)
1F) Run-in-Place (drive those knees high)
So much fun! Right? 😉
But seriously…trading a few minutes of hard work for a full day – or more – of faster fat burning is a darn good deal to me.
That’s how you turn a “Wow” workout into a WHOOOOOOOSH of fat loss. This type of exercise increases your fat-burning metabolism and helps you overcome plateaus.
Of course, that’s not the only secret to losing weight faster.
Read this new article for more little-known fat burning tips from the experts
Keep learning and burning for the rest of your life,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – From a WOW Weekend to a WOW Monday Morning…
“Make today a WOW-day,” says Seth Godin, where you do something for someone that makes them say, “Wow!” Do this for one adult family member, one child family member, one long-distance friend, one person you see everyday, and perhaps most important, for someone that least expects anything from you at all. Deliver the WOW. Make every day a little better. Little bets lead to bigger steps and BIG victories!
I’d love to hear what you do for others.
Post your WOW Monday Morning action on our Facebook page here
Have an amazing week – you deserve it.