4 Quick Treadmill Workouts to Maximize Fat Loss

As an avid outdoor trail runner in Colorado there is nothing better than getting into the foothills for a run in the fresh crisp air and bright early morning sunshine.
But my fair weather tendencies often keep me from getting out—and sometimes, only a good hard run will do! I decided I would need to develop new ways of maximizing my indoor runs without feeling like a hamster trapped on a wheel of boredom.
I love the treadmill! Seriously. Well, I used to seriously hate it until I wizened up and starting making my workouts more fun and engaging.
CONFESSION: Sometimes I even opt for a treadmill run when it’s a beautiful day out. Yikes…don’t tell anyone!
But it’s true. I was seeing quick improvements in my performance from workout to workout…interval training is so much more effective and THAT is totally motivating!
I found (as in all things) that when I segmented my treadmill run into achievable blocks of time, speed, or incline the time flew by. I was more interested in working hard, and I actually enjoyed it because it left me super energized in a short period of time!
Using High Intensity Interval Training combined with Treadmill Hikes and other Progressions I quickly realized I get twice the results in a fraction of the time. And so can you!
Ok, here are 4 patterns I developed over the past few years. I’ve used these with countless clients—from severely obese and total newbies to “long-slow cardio” addicts, and even my super fit, extreme athletes. They all love it!
They’re so versatile because you manipulate the speed, incline, and duration to your fitness level. As your legs and lungs adapt, you can challenge yourself to go faster, steeper, and longer. What a great way to see your progress in action!
Each Pattern takes only 10 minutes so there’s no excuse not to get at least 1 round in.
I highly recommend using Pattern 1 as the warm-up (shorten the time if you need) then roll right into one of the other patterns for super quick Fat Burning 20 minute workout.
If you’re really short on time just do a quick 3-minute warm-up and one 10-minute pattern. Push yourself and make each minute count!
It’s fun to get creative with my patterning and challenge myself on each new interval…see what you can do to create new patterns and challenge yourself, too!
You’ll stay motivated and your body and mind will be totally energized for the rest of the day.
P.S. Balance out those intense workouts with the restorative power of Yoga! Click here for my full program that will help you to release muscle tightness, soreness and body aches from all that hard work. You’re body will be relaxed, refreshed and ready for another hard-hitting workout tomorrow!