5 Actionable Anti-Aging Tips

Are you ready for some of Hollywood’s BEST anti-aging tips?
These are from world-renowned anti-aging expert, therapist, trainer, and mother, Erin Neilsen.
You should print this out and post it where you’ll see it daily.
That’s one secret to looking years younger in just weeks.
Actionable Anti-Aging Tips from Erin Nielsen, PT, PBC
As a woman in her 40’s, I am super passionate about living the best life possible and looking and feeling younger while doing it.
Aging – a tough subject – right?
Believe me, when I hit 40 – I couldn’t believe it! Inevitably – we all go through Chronological aging, but the good news is that we ALL have control over our Physiological aging.
There have been some really interesting studies that link our aging process directly to how much inflammation is occurring in our body. There are many lifestyle choices that produce chronic inflammation and therefore accelerated aging that we can improve upon to slow down our aging process.
Have you ever heard of the word Telomeres? – Here’s a quick explanation of exactly what they are.
Deep within your DNA, are the building blocks of every cell in your body. At the end of each strand of DNA is a small amount of genetic material called the telomere (tee-lo-mere). The telomere controls aging and every time your cells divide, your telomeres get shorter.
As your telomeres get shorter, your body produces cells that are older and weaker. So the shorter your telomeres, the “older” your body looks and feels. But when you slow this shortening, you may be able to extend your lifespan, and feel and look younger longer.
We can all slow the aging process by simple nutrition and lifestyle changes that can slow down the shortening of and in some studies even lengthen the telomere:
Here are some great examples:
1. Nutrition Changes
C. Red Wine (in moderation)
D. Foods high in Vitamin E –
Nuts • Nut oils • Seeds • Apples • Beef • Seafood • Avocados • Spinach
E. Dark Chocolate – 70 to 75% or higher Cacao content is best as that will assure lower sugar and higher anti-oxidant potency.
In summary, a diet high in anti-oxidants and healthy fats produces the perfect environment for anti-aging.
Also a Nutrition plan lower in added Sugar will help prevent accelerated aging as well. Sugar causes glycation and free radical damage to your cells and therefore inflammation, leading to accelerated aging.
Therefore the less sugar you eat – the less chronic inflammation and skin damage – so the younger you can look and feel. It’s Ok to splurge once in awhile, however if you have large amounts of sugar everyday – you will look older much faster.
2. Reduce stress
Stress plays a huge role in our health, body-composition, and aging.
Increase stress = increased cortisol = chronic inflammation = accelerated aging
Here are some easy ways to reduce stress:
5 – Pray or Meditate for 5 minutes
3 – Write down 3 things each day that you are grateful for
1 – Perform one act of Random Kindness each dayDoing this helps improve your happiness and therefore stress is reduced. 🙂
3. Get enough sleep
A. Stop Alcohol Consumption At Least Two Hours before Bedtime
If you plan on drinking alcohol, do so earlier in the evening. Alcohol consumption too close to bedtime can impact sleep. It will be poor quality sleep with frequent disturbances.
B. Dim the Lights When Darkness Falls
When it gets dark outside, your body needs to start winding down, and excessive artificial lighting will get in the way of that.
4. Play!
A New Zealand study found that we are 82% more productive and experience improved sleep after vacation. It also showed that enjoyable activities improve immune function, while stressful ones depress immune function.
Many of us feel guilty taking time away from family or job responsibilities for social interactions, but in reality it is much needed for our health and well-being and will ultimately make us better parents and coworkers.
So go spend time with your friends and take time for yourself – you family and body will thank you for it!
5. Exercise the right way
Short burst sessions are much better than long boring cardio that damages joints, makes you retain fat, and accelerates aging.
Your body wasn’t made to endure long boring cardio. A recent article in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that: Cardio causes immense oxidative damage and a flood of free radicals to the body.
(Cakir-Atabek, H., Demir, S., Pinarbassili, R., Bunduz, N. Effects of Different Resistance Training Intensity on Indices of Oxidative Stress. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. September 2010. 24(9), 2491-2498.)
In truth, all exercises causes some form of oxidative stress, however when done for prolonged periods like with long boring cardio – the damage produces chronic inflammation throughout your body that causes damage to your organs and your skin – the result? You look older.
Short Burst Exercise Sessions on the other hand will help you defy aging!
A study published by the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism showed a minimum of ten minutes higher intensity exercise dramatically increased circulating HGH which promotes youth hormones, lean muscle building, and fat burning.
In addition to increased fat burning, increased HGH can help slow down and even reverse the signs of aging. Your skin, energy, and memory can all improve. No more waking up each day to a new wrinkle on your face or loose saggy skin.
I am living proof of what short burst exercise sessions can do for you. Many people don’t believe me when I tell them I’m in my 40’s – most people assume I’m still in my twenties!
There is a way to look younger and have the body you’ve always wanted – all while you work out LESS and ignite your hormones to finally burn fat and defy aging at ANY AGE. After all, if I can have the skin and body of someone much younger, imagine what these sessions can do for you?
Article by: Erin Nielsen, PT, CPI, PBCE
Erin is the author of Toned In Ten Fitness.
She has been a treating Physical Therapist for the last 18 years creating comprehensive and customized rehabilitative and fitness exercise programs for healthy and unhealthy individuals.
She is also a certified Pilates instructor and personally knows the transformative benefits it brings, such as core strength, long, lean, flexible muscles, and improved posture.
Her true passion is to help people look and feel young, healthy, happy, strong, and free of pain and injury.
Your coach,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Tough Question for You.
If you feel like nothing is working, take a look in the mirror and ask yourself, “Do I really care about making this change? Do my actions match my words? Or am I secretly satisfied with the situation as it is? And if I’m not, what fears are stopping me?” Get honest with yourself. Get clarity and congruence. And then decide, what, if anything, is truly going to change today.