5 Exercise Substitutions for Cardio

Five minutes ago I went up to the 8th floor of the Intercontinental Hotel here in Toronto to check out the gym. The view is pretty good, but the gym was cramped (although the pool was nice). There was barely enough room for a bodyweight circuit.
I’m going to check out a local big box gym for my workout instead. I might even go to Madonna’s gym here in Toronto, Hard Candy. <= Yes, that’s what she called it. That will be a field trip worth telling you about!
Before I head out I wanted to tell you about one big mistake that I see in the gym that is made by countless hard-working men and women just like you.
When I entered the workout space, I noticed that all of the cardio machines were busy. No surprise. Some folks just won’t listen to me. 😉
But worse, one woman was reading work reports while doing the elliptical. Here’s the harsh truth…
I’m sorry, but you can’t expect results from your workout if your workout involves reading while you ‘workout’. Not gonna happen. Tell that to everyone at your gym!
You are much better off going to a Celebrity Trainer, like Mikey Whitfield, who has become famous for his Finisher workouts and unique alternative exercises that require NO-equipment.
Mikey’s workouts have been featured in Men’s Health magazine, and he was the 2012 TT Trainer of the Year. That’s why I asked Mikey for his top 5 exercise substitutions today. And also because it’s a holiday weekend up here in Canadia, and I don’t want to do any hard work today ;).
Here are 5 exercise substitutions you MUST start using today:
These will allow you to burn fat anytime, anywhere, without equipment.
#1 – Replace the Elliptical Machine with…
Jumping Jacks or the Split Shuffle exercise.
#2 – Replace the Treadmill with…
Mikey Whitfield’s Bodyweight Sprint Finishers
#3 – Replace Kettlebell Swings and Slamball Slamz with…
Total Body Extensions
#4 – Replace the Stationary Bike with…
Punisher Squats, Narrow-Stance Bodyweight Squats or Lying 1-Leg Hip Extensions
#5 – Replace Traditional Interval Training with…
…one of Mikey’s favorite fat-burning and core training supersets:
Total Body Extensions – 30 seconds
Plank – 30 seconds
I highly recommend all of Mikey’s workouts here:
Get Your Fat Burning Exercise and Workout Substitutions
But hurry, the Craig-doesn’t-want-to-work-so-he’s-making-Mikey-fill-in-sale ends today, and then Mikey raises the price and Craig has to get his butt back to work! Grab all of those exercises and NEW, fun, and unique fat burning workouts right now.
Some of these moves are new, but here’s one of my favorite Rules in Life:
“To get something you’ve never had, you must do something you’ve never done.” – #truth
So if you want a better body, it’s time to stop multi-tasking when you workout, get focused, try some new exercises, and FINALLY burn that stubborn belly fat.
You’ll love Mikey’s workouts. They are high-energy, fun, and most important, you’ll get results in just a short amount of time – unlike cardio.
Sound good? I know it does.
Let me leave you with one last motivational kick-in-the-pants…it’s a quote that I keep coming back to every day in my own personal transformation…
“Become the person you need to become to achieve the dreams you want to achieve. Never give up on what is important to you.”
You can do it. Mikey and I believe in you.
So start your change today,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Alright, off for my “workout field trip”…
…I will report back next week, along with our regular Monday free 10-Minute workout. Have an amazing weekend, and Happy Victoria Day to all fellow Canadians. I hope this long weekend is fantastic for you.
And I hope the weather is PERFECT for everyone. If it’s nice out, try these: