5 Rules of a Disciplined Entrepreneur

For the past 14 years, I’ve had the chance to see a disciplined entrepreneur at the top of his game.
A few years ago, Bedros Keuilian took the stage at his Fitness Business Summit (FBS) and delivered what had to be his best presentation yet. He was on fire, getting more laughs in 30 minutes than a comedian gets in a 90-minute special. And he did it while teaching 1,000 audience members how to 10X their business with his 5-step formula for being “everywhere, all the time.”
I’ve known Bedros since 2009, seen him speak hundreds of times, and that was his absolute best. Bedros also said something that day that stood out to me, and I’ve thought about it every day since.
“You must never peak,” Bedros said from stage. “I know I never will. For me, it will be kaizen – constant and never-ending improvement – until my last breath.”
It’s this attitude that makes him set the bar so high for the rest of us. And that’s the biggest benefit of hiring coaches like Bedros. They allow you to play up a level in life. It’s one thing to be given great advice, but what a world-class coach does is see your true potential and set a higher standard for you than you’d ever set yourself. The best coaches hold you to this standard, and never allow any excuses for missing it.
You must do the same for your clients and seek this mentorship for yourself.
Now I know what you might be thinking. How does Bedros have time to run an amazing event like FBS, oversee the fastest-growing fitness franchise in the world, run experiences like The Project, Battle Ready, and The Squire Program, make it home on time for dinner with the family and take his kids to soccer practice? Is it because of his good looks and charm? No. It’s because he hangs around me.
I’m not kidding. He’s adapted my systems to build incredible Entrepreneurial Discipline so he can dominate his days and own his life.
There’s no reason you can’t have this too.
“There are three things that separate high-performing humans from those wading in the sea of mediocrity,” Bedros added in a presentation the next day. “And these make up my 3-D Formula of High-Performers:
1) Declaration of Desire
2) Discipline in Habits
3) Domination of Plan
The next morning after Bedros’ presentation, I explained to the audience how anyone could implement this 3-D Formula and build the same level of Entrepreneurial Discipline that Bedros has mastered.
Bedros has a powerful operating system based on my 5 Rules for Success. And if you implement these 5 rules, you’ll become super successful. But if you don’t, you’ll struggle.
Rule #1: Go to bed at the same time each night. Get up at the same time each day.
“I can’t stress enough how important it is to wake up and go to bed at the same time on weekdays and weekends,” Bedros said.
It doesn’t matter what hours you choose, you just need to be consistent.
Rule #2: Focus for 15 Minutes When You Wake Up
I’ve spent the last decade researching the morning routines of the most prolific and successful people on the planet, and here’s what I’ve discovered: Almost every one of these success stories follows the same 3-step morning ritual to get their mind right.
That is cleanse, center, and kickstart.
You cleanse your mind and body, you center your mind right, and then you kickstart your day with positive action. For example, Bedros gets up at 5 AM, has a glass of water (Cleanse), takes his dog Cookie outside to play (Center), then does a 5-minute gratitude exercise (Kickstart).
Here’s what I do. I get up at 3:57 AM and have my super antioxidant shake of Organifi greens, vitamin C, and glutamine (Cleanse). Then I lie down and let my dog climb on my chest and I pet her for a few minutes (Center). Finally, I sit down at my kitchen table, open my laptop, and listen to the same 1967 recording of pianist Arthur Rubenstein playing Frederic Chopin’s Noctures (Kickstart). When I do this, my brain knows it is time to write 1,500 words.
Becoming a disciplined entrepreneur takes consistent work. Apply these practices and watch your mornings become more productive.
What’s your Cleanse, Center, Kickstart routine? Post in the comments below…
Rule #3: Do One Thing For Your Health Every Day
Some meditate. Others follow a specific diet. Bedros hits the gym six days a week, even if it means training at 10 p.m. at night in a hotel gym (when he’s on holiday with his family).
You can’t be a high performer if you don’t take care of your body.
Rule #4: Spend Time Working On Your Wealth Six Days a Week
After Bedros does his Cleanse, Center, and Kickstart routine, he works on his wealth.
“I sit at my kitchen table with my phone off and work in my ‘zone of genius’ for three hours on wealth-building activities like writing sales copy and crafting and sending out email broadcasts. Then I go to the gym from 10 to 11 where I train hard, listen to music, and keep the phone on silent so I don’t have my workout invaded by texts, calls, emails, or notifications – this is a sacred time for me.”
A disciplined entrepreneur focuses on their “zone of genius.” Are you spending time each day in your zone of genius?
Rule #5: Never Hit the Snooze Button
“The worst thing you can do to yourself is hit the snooze button in the morning,” Bedros said. “If you hit the snooze button you are sending a message to your own subconscious that says ‘My goals and dreams aren’t that important. They can wait.’” That’s something you’d never admit to anyone, but it’s what you’re saying to yourself every day you hit snooze. Never make that mistake again!
With these five powerful rules in place for your life, you can become a Disciplined Entrepreneur capable of having it all. You can achieve your big goals and dreams in your career all while still having time for your family, friends, hobbies, and health.
Success is simple. It’s not easy, but it’s simple. You just need to follow the path to success that has been blazed before you by pioneers like Bedros.
A full explanation of how to apply these 5 Rules can be found in The Perfect Day Formula book. And since you’re obviously an individual dedicated to setting and reaching tremendous goals in their personal and professional life, here’s a free copy of the book on me. It’s normally $20 on Amazon + $13.75 shipping, but I’m giving the book for $0 + $9.95 shipping.
A Disciplined Entrepreneur Seeks Mentors
It really is time to get serious about becoming a high-achieving, successful person. So if you’re looking for a greater edge, one of the most important action items Bedros did to build these habits was to work with me as a coaching client.
If you’re interested in becoming a disciplined entrepreneur by learning more about Early to Rise’s coaching program and working with me or one of my coaches, email support@earlytorise.com with the subject line “Coaching” for more information.