5 Step Workout for 63 Pounds of Fat Loss

Do you know what 63 pounds of fat looks like on 3 complete strangers? Check this out…and read their incredible feedback below.
- Greg Lost 25 Pounds of Fat and 5 Inches Off His Waist with TT
- Joel Lost 20 Pounds of Fat With Turbulence Training and Cheat Your Way Thin
- Melissa Lost 18 Pounds and 8% Body Fat to Get Into the BEST Shape of Her Life – AFTER Her 40th Birthday
That’s a total of 63 pounds of fat loss by just THREE people using my legendary “TT” Turbulence Training TT program.
Click here to use the same program for amazing results
The workouts go like this.
First, you’ll press play to watch the follow-along workout video where I take you through every exercise and every repetition of every workout.
Second, you move start with a bodyweight warm-up for 3-5 minutes using total-body moves (again, all done with me teaching you proper form).
Third, we use Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT) to burn more calories than a slow, boring cardio workout. MRT is fun, fast, and works better than anything else for changing your body and getting you back in shape – fast.
Fourth, we end each workout with a fat-blasting Finisher. Not only do you burn hundreds of extra calories with Finishers, but you also boost your energy and cardio fitness levels – without having to do any jogging.
Fifth, you recover – and continue to burn calories and lose fat during on your rest days – all thanks to the amazing Afterburn from TT-MRT.
That’s how you burn 10, 20, 33, and even 63 pounds of fat – no matter what your age. Turbulence Training works just as well for women over 40 as it does for men under 25.
The proof is in the pictures.
Read more success stories here <= for one just like YOU
“What I loved best about Turbulence Training was that I felt incredible after
each workout, never drained and tired, but pumped for the rest of the day.
Additionally, I started seeing muscle and definition where I had none before. It took me forty years to get here, but I’m in the best shape of my life! Thanks Craig!” – Melissa
“My body often felt like it was on fire for several hours after the workout was over, and it was almost like I could feel the fat melting off throughout the day. During the 12 weeks, I burned off almost 20 lbs of fat while preserving my lean muscle. I reduced my waist measurement by almost 4 inches and am getting close to my overall goal of being below 10% body fat. Thank you Craig and TurbulenceTraining!” – Joel
“Before TT, I had trouble waking up, chronic knee pain, and love handles! Plus I was always too tired to keep up with my son…The workout videos were great to follow and are all available in one place online so they are quick and easy for anyone to use. After TT, I have more energy to play with my son, go mountain biking with my wife, surf three times a week and the overall mental fog has turned into clear, focused thinking. Thanks to Turbulence Training, I feel like a new man! My wife thanks you too!” – Greg
Click here to use the same program for amazing results
Time to change your life and get back in shape,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Today’s KickButt Mindset Tip…
Your problems are much easier to solve than you think. Write them down. Clearly communicate them to people that can help you. Use your resources. Use your connections. Positive people that want to help you are out there, trust me. The answers to your problems exist…don’t be too closed-off to ask for help. Stay strong. Push on.
Never give up on what is important to YOU.