5 Steps to Change with TT Certification

I didn’t know he was going to do this, but my good friend Bedros Keuilian just decided to Man-Up and add the following bonus to our exciting California TT Certification weekend coming up in April.
Here’s what Bedros said:
“When you get TT Certified with Craig, I’ll also be there to give you a tour of my 3,200 square foot Fit Body Boot Camp gym that’s growing faster than most big box gyms that offer gyms memberships at a fraction of the price.”
But he didn’t stop there, adding:
“And I’ll teach you my secrets for creating a fast growing fitness business that serves our community and generates big profits.”
Of course, as soon as he sent that email we just about sold out! So hurry and join us…On April 5th – 6th, in Orange County, California, at Bedros’ FBBC location, you can get TT Certified by me, and two of my top Master TT Certified Trainers, Kate Vidulich and Dani Woodrum.
There are only a few spots remaining – so you really should register now if you’re interested in becoming an expert fat loss trainer.
Get all the details about the TT Certification here.
By the way, I know the CTT is a big change for you. Here’s advice I gave to three of my high-end coaching clients today. It’s perfect for you AND to share with your clients. Post on your Facebook page for them. Print it off and stick it beside your computer.
It’s time to Man-Up. Take the Challenge.
And don’t worry, I’m doing this too…I recently told Bedros and my top info Publishing Partners that I’m going to stop procrastinating and FINISH the 1st draft of my ‘top secret book’ by our May 8th Mastermind weekend, and now you can hold me accountable, too!
Here’s the “How to Change Advice” you need to know & share:
Step #1: Pick one BIG habit you want to change. One that matters.
Step #2: Tell positive people that will offer social support.
Step #3: Pick one person – preferably a pro – to hold you accountable that checks in on you daily at 6pm and check in every time you move ahead or stumble. Accountability is different than social support, and might even be MORE important. You need this!
Step #4: Incentivize yourself…what’s the reward for hitting goal? What’s the punishment if you don’t?
Step #5: Set The Deadline. It’s so important that it gets bold & italicized. If you don’t have The Deadline, you won’t have the hottest fire under your butt to get off it and Take Action!
So pick the change, tell positive people, man-up, be accountable, know the consequences, and set The Deadline.
Tomorrow: More about planning n prep. Until then…
Reserve your spot at the California TT Certification here.
See you soon,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Don’t forget…
…it’s time to Man-Up.
Whatever BIG change in life you have been procrastinating about, it’s time to ditch the excuses and turn things around. If you want a better personal training business, if you want to help more people, if you want to make more money, and if you want to have more freedom, then you need the secrets that Bedros and I will teach at the TT Certification weekend.
But this is the ONLY time that Bedros will ever be teaching at a TT Certification. Don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity.
See you soon!