7 Rules Everyone Should Follow

Today is the annual Turbulence Training Summit!
It’s going to be “Yuge”, as Donald Trump would say…
…with about 100 trainers coming in from all corners of the globe, including Australia, the UK, Malaysia, and the funky country of Canadia. 😉
My best friend of 35 years, J-Roc, will be there (he’s on the right in the ball cap).
Todd Arnoldi, who lost 75 pounds in our recent TT Transformation Contest, will be there.
So will Mikey Whitfield, Ali Fox, Daniel & Brittney Woodrum, Nestor Flores, and our keynote speaker, Nisan Trotter (he’s known as the Fitness Preacher).
It’s going to be an amazing event.
And I’ll tell you all about it soon.
But for the rest of today, I want you to read one of the most important articles I’ve written this year.
It’s about setting up the 7 most important RULES for your life.
“Craig, when I read about your idea for creating rules, I was a little confused,” my friend Andy said during our coaching meeting. “What is this going to do for me?”
“Well, Andy,” I replied, “Did you stop at any red lights or stop signs on your way here?”
“Of course,” he said.
“Well, imagine if you didn’t. In fact, imagine if there were no red lights, no stop signs, or no traffic laws of any kind. Think about the chaos that would cause.”
“Red lights put order and clarity into our travel, just like our personal rules put structure into our lives,” I said. “Humans thrive on structure. We need to earn our freedom.”
“But when you give someone complete and utter freedom, it often dooms them into demise. Take, for example, Michael Jackson, Mike Tyson, or Raphael de Rothschild (an heir to the wealthy Rothschild family that passed away due to a drug overdose). These men all had too much money, power, and freedom, and without structure, they eventually squandered their gifts and wealth.”
And so I insist you put into place Rules for Your Life. Should you bristle at that term, consider these alternative terms:
Your Operating System
Your Personal Commandments
Your Code of Conduct
Your Personal Life Philosophies
They all describe the same thing, a way to establish boundaries in your life and to set behaviors to which you aspire. If you have not read my 12 rules for life, I encourage you to do so here.
“But Craig,” you’re thinking, “How do I set Rules for my Life?”
First of all, I believe that you already have many rules for your life. You live a certain way, you have good habits that you follow, and you project a certain persona upon the world.
You’ve simply never sat down and put these rules — your operating system — to paper.
Let me guide you on how to do this. There are seven must-have rules for everyone. You can choose to add a few more on top of these seven, or simply start with these.
Rule #1 – Be consistent to bed and consistent to rise
Establishing a consistent bedtime and wake-up time seven days a week is the greatest thing you can do to have consistent all-day energy levels. Of course, there will be a couple of nights per week when you stay up late. That’s fine. But you must never stray too far from your wake-up time. Don’t sleep in. That sets off a vicious cycle of not being able to fall asleep the next night and feeling tired for the following two or three days. Instead, wake up on time and compensate with a mid-day nap or go to bed earlier the next night.
Rule #2 – Be healthy
Everyone should have a health rule. It might describe your eating philosophy (Paleo, vegan, etc.) or perhaps the type and frequency of exercise or stress reduction you do (“I take a one-hour hike in the fresh air three times per week” or “I lift weights three times per week for twenty minutes” or “I never miss a morning meditation session of 10 minutes”).
Rule #3 – Be productive in the morning
To get ahead in life you need to consistently work on what matters. The best time to do that is in the morning when you are without interruptions or distractions. Set a rule that you work on your number one priority in life for at least fifteen minutes after you wake-up. That could be Bible study, working on your finances and figuring out a plan to make more sales, or spending that time in exercise to regain your health. Fifteen minutes might sound insignificant, but done six (or seven days) a week for months on end brings incredible results.
Finish Reading All Seven Rules Here
Taking care of you,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – 7 quickie questions for you…
This weekend I want you to take 30 minutes for yourself and to think about these questions…
1) What will it take to finally make the changes that you need?
2) What fears hold you back?
3) What temptations need to be removed?
4) What are 2 solutions for each obstacle in your life?
5) What is your ONE big goal that must be achieved before Dec 31st?
6) What are the process goals that will help you achieve the ONE big goal?
7) Who can hold you accountable?
The answers will bring clarity and breakthroughs.
Let me know if you need any help – post your comments on our Facebook page here.