7 Steps to Creating and Selling Your Info Product

If you still aren’t sure where to begin creating and selling your info product online, then please read this special article from my good friend, Bedros:
7 Simple Tips to Build & Sell Your Info Product FAST
By Bedros Keuilian
It’s late at night.
You’ve worked all day at your J-O-B but now you’re ready to start creating your path to freedom. And that comes from creating your info product.
Maybe you have an idea for an e-book, membership site, or videos that will help people all over the world, while delivering more money, freedom, and piece of mind to you.
But where-oh-where do you begin? There are so many ways to start…
Two weeks ago at my Online Info Blueprint Workshop I gave these seven tips that helped out the 310 men and women in attendance (some even came from Europe and Asia!). These simple steps gave them the exact plan on how to create a killer product, how to sell it, and where to begin.
Now even though you couldn’t make it, I smuggled these tips out to share with you because Craig and I want YOU to succeed. Here they are…
#1 – Stop Dreaming and Set Your BIG Goals and Deadlines in Stone
You have a great idea that can HELP people change their lives, so STOP holding back.
Pick a specific day and make that your launch date. Without a date you don’t have a goal, you just have a dream.
Here’s what Craig and I tell all of our coaching clients…
If you want to productize your knowledge and get your program online and selling then you have to pick a date you want it to exist and then work backwards, planning out every step that remains between you and that accomplishment.
#2 – Leverage the Deadline to Manage Time, Energy, and Resources
No more time wasting, no more day-dreaming, and no more working toward dead-ends. From now on, you only dedicate time to anything that directly or indirectly gets you to your goal.
If you have a new, different, or better idea? Scrap it. Want to start another project that won’t get you what you need to make your Big Idea a reality? Forget it!
From now on, you live (at work, anyway) for one purpose and one purpose only: to LAUNCH your Big Idea. And for that to happen you have to manage your time, energy and resources ruthlessly.
You can do it. Start and end EVERY day by working on your #1 priority, even if it is only for 10 minutes.
#3 – Kill the Weak, Feed the Strong
Take a good, long look at your idea, and start trimming everything that might hold it back. Get rid of all extraneous bits and pieces that are not absolutely the best or entirely necessary. You can grow and expand your product or business after it is a success; for now, do only what is absolutely essential.
#4 – Take Imperfect Action
At this stage in the process, not everything is going to be just the way you like. Now, this may sound contradictory, but you cannot bring every single aspect of your idea into absolute perfect existence – not yet at least.
You will be forced to compromise in order to meet your goals, maintain your timeline, and produce anything whatsoever. Be careful with this one– your product or service should be as valuable as possible. But there will inevitably be little things, small details that, while imperfect, will still allow you to start selling it online, make money, and helping people.
You can iron out the kinks later, after your first sale. It is SO important for you to get that first sale under your belt, and to experience the confidence boost that comes with it.
#5 – Model Success
Check out what your competitors are doing, find out what the greats have done, and research the success of your mentors and and model their success.
If you’re brand new to info marketing, now’s not the time to completely reinvent the wheel– save that for after you are established and enjoying success. Don’t waste money on things that don’t work when others have already lost that money and learned those lessons for you. Model success.
If you were at the Info Summit, just follow all the steps that Craig outlined in his Low-Priced Launch formula.
And if you weren’t there, then come to our event in Denver where Craig will help you CUSTOMIZE your very own low-priced launch to get you your first sale – and maybe even your first 100 sales!
#6 – Focus on Your 5%
You’ve heard me say this before and I’m saying it again. There are so many resources out there that will allow you to outsource all the little tasks that you don’t need to do while you focus on what really matters for creating your business, helping others and making money.
Find graphic artists, web developers, and writers through cheap online resources and you won’t waste all your time trying to complete those jobs you shouldn’t be doing in the first place.
In fact here are some resources for you…
With these sites you can have your your website made, blog developed, graphics done, and product formatted – for dirt cheap.
#7 – Manage Your Millionaire Mind
This is most important habit you can adopt when it comes to designing, implementing, and launching your online info product business.
Take a moment right now and think of all the times you have made a bad decision or missed an opportunity because you weren’t properly managing your Millionaire Mind. That made you feel bad, right?
You won’t be able to accomplish your goals if you have not learned how to deal, mentally and emotionally, with tough times.
Take it from me, as soon as you embark on this path of entrepreneurship and business ownership, you are going to get slammed with the hardest decisions and situations of your entire professional life!
That’s why I always say that entrepreneurship is a “filter”… because it weeds out the weak and the flighty and leaves more room for people like you and me who are driven, determined and focused to make a change in this world.
Now, I don’t know what your info product idea is but I can tell you that these seven laws of online info success will get you started and on track.
Let us help you fast-track your info product success…
If you want Craig and I to help you fast track your success and show you how to market your online info product, teach you how to craft your sales copy and promotional emails…
…and help you outline your product idea and create your up-sell flow then you should join us on December 5th in Denver, Colorado for a small one day private mastermind we’re hosting.
We’re only taking ten people for this one day mastermind and as of now there are only 4 seats remaining (we had 2 more sign-ups since yesterday alone).
If you want to join us on December 5th so that we can help you then reach out to Joan my assistant at Joan@Keuilian.com and she’ll send you the details and tell you how you can get in for half off what we normally charge.
BTW, the day after the Denver mastermind is Craig’s annual Toys for Tots drive. Last year we were able to get over $102,000 in new toys for the Denver chapter of Toys For Tots.
Like last year, Craig and I are putting 100% of your investment in the 1-Day Mastermind directly toward the Toys for Tots drive. That means YOU will be helping a lot of kids get their ONLY gift on Christmas morning.
So thank you so much, from the bottom of our hearts. It means a LOT to us.
Looking forward to working with you in Denver!
PS. Email Joan at Joan@Keuilian.com to get all the details about our Denver info mastermind on December 5th.
Awesome advice. Thanks Bedros.
See you in Denver for the MM and Toys for Tots shopping drive. It’s going to be so much fun. Until then, take action on those tips and…
Have an amazing weekend,
Craig Ballantyne
PS – Personal note from Craig…
When faced with hard times, we have a choice…we can keep going or we can quit. All tough times come to an end. If we quit, we only make it worse and learn nothing. But if we keep going, though the situation may be frustrating at first, you WILL be making progress. Things WILL get better. The future WILL become brighter. It may be slow, but it WILL be sure. Stay strong. Push on. Never give up on what is important to you. You WILL achieve your goals. You will win. I believe in you.
Let’s get you all sorted out in Denver and give you the plan to succeed in 2015. Email Joan@Keuilian.com to get all the details about our Denver info mastermind on December 5th.