9-step RECIPE for Online Sales Success

Chef, here’s your plan…nice and easy, just like a recipe.
1) Create the Big Idea (the hook).
2) Sell the product by creating copy
– write 30 benefit bullets
– write 30 headlines
– pick your best headline for your sales copy
– http://www.onlinesuperprofits.com/FreeAdCopySeminar/Ad-copy-seminar.pdf
3) Create the product that you know will sell…now that you’ve thought about what people WANT, not what they need…include at least one upsell, preferably 2. Upsells allow people to get faster, or automatic (done-for-them) results.
4) Finish the rest of your copy, get the site online, ready to sell (through Clickbank)
5) Internal Launch – 5 emails to your list…or 1 personal email to your friends & family…plus a tweet & FB post a day
– http://www.earlytorise.com/the-best-type-of-product-launch-to-do-first/
6) Now you have results…sales page conversion, upsell conversion, promo email open rate, and amount of money each email made
7) If results are favorable, now you can reach out to affiliates.
Here are Joel’s 10 steps
– http://www.earlytorise.com/10-ways-to-get-affiliates/
Chef just had one question about this ‘recipe’…
“Should I try to build a free email list?”
My reply:
Well, how would you do it?
SEO – no, it changes too much.
Youtube – it can work, but do you have hours to film videos and months to wait for results? It’s up to you.
Social Media – not really going to work. No one sees your posts.
So…the solution is to get customers from affiliates after you’ve finished steps 1-6 above.
What are your next questions?
The recipe will work for Chef and it will work for you, too.
Take action.
Cook it up,
Craig Ballantyne
“Make the best out of whatever situation you are in. You can’t change the past. You can’t control others. But you can control your future because you control how you respond to everything. You control your thoughts, words, and deeds. Make the right decisions, right now, for your right life.” – Craig Ballantyne