13 Reasons to Avoid Aspartame
I recently received the following e-mail from AB, an ETR reader:
“Dear Jon: I like your write-ups about the chemicals in our food. My dad recently discovered that the aspartame in Diet Coke was killing his liver. He did a lot of research and found that the FDA approval of aspartame was dubious, to say the least. I know you’ve written about aspartame before, but I think you’d be doing a great service to all of your readers if you could write a detailed and convincing case about the dangers of aspartame. I believe there is also an appetite stimulant in Diet Coke, but I’m not sure if it’s aspartame or something else. There are millions of Diet Coke drinkers that have no idea how badly they are injuring their bodies.”
As I discussed in ETR #1498, it has become fairly well established that the chemical sweetener aspartame is a carcinogen. And in ETR #1464, I explained that it also boosts the appetite, causes carb cravings, and has never been shown to assist weight loss.
Could this chemical also be responsible for AB’s father’s liver condition? I have no way of knowing, but it is certainly a possibility. Whenever your liver is forced to filter and metabolize a poison, it can be damaged. And there is no doubt in my mind that aspartame is just that, a poison.
For many years, the FDA has been aware of the problems with aspartame. In fact, the FDA once actually published a list of 92 (yes, 92!) side effects and reactions to this chemical. Here is just a sampling of the FDA’s list:
- Headache and dizziness
- Abdominal pain and cramps
- Change in vision
- Seizures and convulsions
- Fatigue and weakness
- Change in heart rate
- Difficulty breathing
- Oral sensory changes
- Joint and bone pain
- Blood glucose disorders
- Blood pressure changes
- Difficulties with pregnancy
- Change in sexual function
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: If you crave something sweet, use the all-natural herb stevia. You can buy it at any health food store in a liquid or powder form. It’s sweeter than sugar, has no calories, tastes great… and it’s safe.