Best Cardio and Diet Programs
My plan to sleep for most of the 15-hour flight back from Hong Kong to Toronto went smoothly. I snoozed for an incredible 10 hours on the way home.
But it’s left me a little upside-down in terms of alertness, and my workout kind of stunk yesterday morning.
However, I’ll just keep pushing on, and today will be another training session for the Tough Mudder race in June.
BTW, this is your last chance to get the TT Adventure Race workout program and for you to learn how to combine running with Turbulence Training.
Get the TT Running and Resistance program here
Question: I’m doing the program and want to know if I can add long runs on off-days? – John
Answer: Hey John, thanks for the question.
First, the 247 program really is NOT meant to be combined with marathon or half-marathon training.
Second, if you insist on running heavily when doing the 24-7 program, please cut back all leg exercises to just ONE set per movement.
Also, cut resistance training to just ONE day per week.
And replace 247 intervals with regular running training.
That’s the simple way to do it.
But an even better way to train for fat loss with TT-style workouts while simultaneously training for endurance events would be to use the new TT Adventure Racing program.
Get the TT Running and Resistance program here
Question: I have never gotten a clear answer to this question…if you worked your muscles really hard for example on Monday, and you are really sore on Tuesday and still sore on Wednesday, do you have to wait until the soreness is completely gone before you can work the same muscles? – Maureen
Answer: Hi Maureen. There is not a clear answer to everyone…it is an individual situation. The first thing you need to do is to adjust your program to do less volume so you aren’t sore for 3 days. That’s a really long time to be sore, and it’s not necessary for results.
Second, ask yourself this, “Is there something else I can do instead of my regular workout that won’t stress my really sore muscles?”
If not, then it is a judgement call depending on your goals, fitness level, experience, etc.
But at the end of the day, be conservative.
No need to risk injury.
And now to answer all of your DIET questions at once, since I received several on Facebook yesterday…
Question: Diet wise, do you recommend the paleo diet as a base for nutrition? – Martin
Question: Speaking of diets, what is your opinion on the slow carb diet by Tim Ferriss, Craig? – Nick
Question: What are your thoughts on Jay Ferrugia’s The Renegade Diet? – Femi
Question: Can you recommend a good book on nutrition? – Tim
Answer: First, all of these diets are good.
Second, Tim, you could get any of the above programs, or you could get Isabel’s Diet Solution Program.
They are all awesome. And heck, almost every diet works.
What doesn’t work, most often, is the PERSON, not the diet.
So yes, you’ll need to try a few diets to see what works for you. Or more honestly, if YOU will work with the diet.
That’s right, I’m suggesting it’s YOUR personal responsibility that you aren’t getting results with a diet. If that’s the case, it’s because you aren’t using a diet that you can stick with.
Almost all diet plans work. Just like almost all methods of investing work. Whether you save your money and smartly invest in real estate or save your money and smartly invest in companies, it doesn’t matter…when done smartly and consistently, you’ll succeed.
What matters is that you match your method with your personality and schedule.
And that brings us back to nutrition.
Fasting works. And eating 6 meals per day works. And so does using a combination of both.
Eating “clean” can work (whatever that means), and so can eating low-carb or slow-carb.
All of these work.
It is up to us to find the method that works best for ourselves – based on our schedules, likes, dislikes, and personalities.
Keep on trying, experimenting, and monitoring your results.
That’s why a diet journal is so important.
It helps you establish cause and effect…and that is essential to improving any aspect of your life.
I hope that helps.
Everyone is on a diet,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer