3 Exercises That Flush Fat

Today I’m off to Michigan to film hours and hours of follow along finisher workouts with Certified Turbulence Trainers, Mike Whitfield and Brian Kalakay.
It’s going to be really painful filming workout after workout, and I’ll be super-sore tomorrow and Sunday.
But it will all be worth it because soon you’ll get to watch me suffer through these follow-along workouts on video.
HOWEVER… it will be a while until those are edited and ready.
So until then, here’s a fat flushing 3 exercise circuit that you need to know about.
Yesterday, on Facebook, TT reader Dave Dowell from Southern California asked me:
“What are the three exercises to use in a row for fat loss?”
My Answer:
1) A single leg exercise.
2) A push exercise.
3) A pull exercise.
This gives you an unlimited number of exercises…because there are so many variations of each – some even overlap for a double banger, such as the Burpee with Double Pushup.
Try this, doing 10 reps per exercise without rest between exercises, and then rest 30-45 seconds after the circuit before repeating 2-3 more times.
1) Bulgarian Split Squat
2) Burpee with Double Pushup at Bottom
3) Pull-up or TRX Row (If no equipment, do Jumping Jacks)
That should get you riled up for some bodyweight fat burning.
If you don’t have the equipment for this, don’t worry. Here’s another short, burst workout solution.
BUT you need to take action on this one FAST.
Today is the LAST day to save $50 on the Ultimate Bodyweight Burn System & Rapid Fat Loss Diet.
Get fat burning 21-minute bodyweight workouts here <= $50 off expires tonight
You don’t have to gain weight over the holidays. You can actually keep losing fat — even while enjoying your favorite foods.
Don’t wait until January 1st. And don’t let yourself get fatter over the next few weeks. Start tackling the your fat loss now.
Here’s why Bodyweight Burn is your best choice to get started today:
1. These workouts are short but still burn a LOT of fat per session.
Let’s face it, the holidays have a way of getting out of control. And unless you’ve got a plan, you’re going to skip your workouts. Well, you would on any other program.
But every session in the Bodyweight Burn BW3 Workout System is 21 minutes long. And the workouts require NO equipment.
BOOOM – No more excuses.
2. The $50 Off Sale ends at midnight.
Ends. Over. Done. “Gone KAPUT!” <= As my crazy father used to say.
After that the price MORE than doubles. YIKES!
3. As a bonus (today ONLY), you’ll get the rapid results “10-in-12 Diet”.
It will strip at least 10 lbs from your body in LESS than two weeks. But this rapid fat loss bonus also disappears tonight
4. The Bodyweight Burn Carb-Synch(TM) Diet system gives you the flexibility to enjoy your favorite foods over the holidays.
What more do you need to know? Follow his strategic plan and you won’t have to give up ANY of your favorite holiday foods.
5. Your body will officially become a 24-7 fat burning machine.
That means you can CHEAT even more over the holidays. That’s a priceless benefit in my opinion, because I love my holiday chocolate and I ain’t giving it up – and you don’t have to give up your favorite foods either.
Here’s the bottom line:
You’re going to lose a LOT of fat without sacrifice. You get quick and FUN 21-minute workouts and a simple nutrition plan to accelerate your belly fat burning – and even get RIPPED.
Time to FINALLY get lean for the holidays.
Get your copy here and save $50 before midnight tonight.
==> Bodyweight Burn $50 OFF link expires tonight <— LAST chance
And don’t forget to think of me suffering through those workouts today.
Time to get lean,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Oh, and don’t forget the early holiday gift we’re giving you…
…of the “Best of 2012 TT Workouts”.
But these are ONLY free when you get the Bodyweight Burn sale here.
==> Bodyweight Burn $50 OFF link expires tonight <— LAST chance
Rock on!
PPS – Here are the “Best of TT” workouts that you’ll get..