7 AWESOME Finisher Approaches (Part Two)

Mike Whitfield, CTT – Creator of the Workout Finishers 2.0 Follow-Along System
Here’s a quick recap of how you got introduced to a new “twist” on using finishers after your main workout…
Cool. Now you’re caught up.
Seriously, you already discovered that you don’t have to do the traditional finishers found in a lot of programs, but instead, you can plug in advanced methods like…
# 1 Density Finishers – time sets, timed rounds, etc.
# 2 Gauntlet Finishers – where one exercise is assigned as a “gauntlet” like this circuit…
- Braced Squat
- Chin-ups or Inverted Rows
- Braced Squat
- Shuttle Sprint
# 3 Superset Finishers – Two moves, but with fun combinations of ladders, density approaches and more
# 4 Ladder Finishers – These sneaky ones will get the best of you.
Now, let’s look at some more finisher approaches with a couple of awesome finishers you can plug in this week with your program.
Finisher Approach # 5 – Metabolic Circuits
Metabolic circuits can be typically longer than your standard finisher, so they can serve as a great short workout for those times when you have a packed schedule, but you want to get the most you can out of a short workout.
For example, going for a 10-minute walk is a great way to stay active and clear your head. But to be politically incorrect, you CAN’T count that as a workout.
With metabolic circuits, you must use compound movements (even combination moves like the ones you’re about to do) and short rest periods.
Here’s a solid Metabolic Circuit Finisher right here that you can use as finisher or a fast, but effective workout:
“8-1/2 Minute Combo Gauntlet” Finisher
Do the following circuit 3 times, resting for 30 seconds between circuits. Use a weight that will allow you to complete all reps with a fast tempo, but under control:
- Squat and Press Combo (30 secs)
- 1-Arm Inverted Row or DB Row (30 secs/side)
- Pushup/X-Body Mountain Climber Combo (30 secs)
- Total Body Extensions (30 secs)
Now, you might not be familiar with a couple of these moves, so here are some photos and descriptions. My follow-along videos are better, but at least you’ll get…
… the picture <= Ha! See what I did there? Hilarious.
Squat and Press Combo
• Hold a pair of dumbbells at shoulder height and your feet just outside shoulder width apart.
• Squat to at least parallel, maintaining an upright torso.
• Return to the standing position
• Pressing the weight overhead.
Hey, why did my feet disappear in the second photo? Who knows. I could be floating… how awesome is that?
Pushup/X-Body Mountain Climber Combo
• Start in the pushup position and your abs braced.
• Perform a pushup by lowering yourself to the ground, keeping a straight line with your body.
• Push through your hands back to the starting position.
• Perform an X-Body Mountain Climber by bringing one knee towards the opposite elbow, keeping your body in a straight line. Repeat for the other side.
• That’s one rep – repeat as necessary.
Total Body Extension
• Start in the standing position as if you were going to do a bodyweight squat.
• Dip down quickly into a quarter squat and swing your arms behind you by your sides.
• Explode up and extend your body onto your toes, raising your arms overhead.
• Control the descent back and in one movement return to the dip before exploding back up again.
• This is a non-impact replacement for jumping.
Finisher Approach # 6 – Upper Body
These are finishers that are focused on the upper body. Most of the finishers I write typically hit the whole body, but I do write some for people just like you that want to focus on upper body definition.
For example, maybe you want your shoulders and triceps to “pop” more. What you can do is use these upper body finishers after your workouts to focus on these “trouble spots”.
This will allow you to “sneak” in more volume without having to invest a lot of time. With the short rest periods (if any) and intensity, you’ll see a difference in the mirror pretty quickly, as long as you stay consistent.
Finisher Approach # 7 – Lower Body
This is for the ladies out there, although I know of way too many men who skip their leg workouts for months with their legs looking like toothpicks and I can see them saying, “How much you bench bro?”
So, if you want to get more definition in your glutes, thighs and quads, you can plug in lower body finishers with your workouts to hit those spots a little more to get that definition you want.
One of the best lower body finishers I love is a combination of just two moves with the density approach. Based on reader feedback, this one is a “doozy”.
You’ll hit your quads with the Narrow Stance Squat while giving the rest of your lower body some love with the swings. The insider secret is that swings also work your core really well, too. Just keep those abs braced!
I have cleverly called this finisher in which you squat and swing, the “Squat and Swing” Finisher. Email me for details on how I can name your workouts in such an epic manner.
“Squat and Swing” Finisher
Do the following superset as many times as possible in 5 minutes, resting only when needed.
- *Narrow Stance Goblet Squat (15)
- KB or DB Swings (15)
*The narrow stance goblet squat is when your feet are right at shoulder width apart, hitting your quads harder than a standard goblet squat.
It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish,
Mikey “Pancakes” Whitfield, CTT
Get 51 Follow-Along Workout Finisher Videos and bonuses here
Mike Whitfield, CTT, has lost 105 pounds propelling his passion into the fitness industry. His unique approach of using workout finishers has helped thousands of people lose fat with his online and offline programs. He is known across the fitness industry for his effective “workout finishers” and humor. His workouts have been seen in Men’s Health, Turbulence Training, AJC and more.